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Disaster Management Through Geospatial Data: DMI

Disaster Management Through Geospatial Data: DMI

Field Mapping in Saint-Marc, Haiti

Field Mapping in Saint-Marc, Haiti



Smart cities: Mapping Ulaanbaatar

Smart cities: Mapping Ulaanbaatar

Disaster Activation: Typhoon Haiyan 2013

Disaster Activation: Typhoon Haiyan 2013

Community Mapping for Flood Resilience

Community Mapping for Flood Resilience

Urban flood resilience: Ramani Huria

Urban flood resilience: Ramani Huria

Missing Maps

Missing Maps

Mapping Access to Digital Financial Services

Mapping Access to Digital Financial Services

Disaster Activation: Ecuador Earthquake 2016

Disaster Activation: Ecuador Earthquake 2016

Disaster Activation: Sri Lanka Flooding 2016

Disaster Activation: Sri Lanka Flooding 2016

Refugee response: South Sudan and Syria

Refugee response: South Sudan and Syria

Women and Girls in Mapping

Women and Girls in Mapping

Supporting decentralization in Liberian cities: LEGIT

Supporting decentralization in Liberian cities: LEGIT

Disaster Activation: Cyclone Enawo 2017

Disaster Activation: Cyclone Enawo 2017

What We Do

What We Do

Global exposure database for all: GED4ALL

Global exposure database for all: GED4ALL

Modelling Exposure Through Earth Observation Routines: METEOR

Modelling Exposure Through Earth Observation Routines: METEOR

Ger Community Map Center: Improving Emergency Response Maps

Ger Community Map Center: Improving Emergency Response Maps

OSM Bangladesh: Map Your City

OSM Bangladesh: Map Your City

GAL School Peru: Developing Young Mappers

GAL School Peru: Developing Young Mappers

Disaster Response: South Asian Floods 2017

Disaster Response: South Asian Floods 2017

OSM Bangladesh: Improving Healthcare in Slums

OSM Bangladesh: Improving Healthcare in Slums

Crowd2Map Tanzania

Crowd2Map Tanzania

GeoChicas: Mapping the Gendered Effects of Disasters

GeoChicas: Mapping the Gendered Effects of Disasters

Dam Safety And Public Protection: InaSAFE

Dam Safety And Public Protection: InaSAFE

Informing rural electrification: Mini Grids

Informing rural electrification: Mini Grids

Data for evidence-based decisions: Data Zetu

Data for evidence-based decisions: Data Zetu

Disaster Early Warning And Capacity Building: InAWARE

Disaster Early Warning And Capacity Building: InAWARE

Eliminar la Malaria 2020

Eliminar la Malaria 2020

Mapping the Missing Millions

Mapping the Missing Millions

Risk Atlas development (Arua)

Risk Atlas development (Arua)

Cuerpo Consultivo para el Desarrollo de Rio Piedras - Disaster Preparedness for Puerto Rico

Cuerpo Consultivo para el Desarrollo de Rio Piedras - Disaster Preparedness for Puerto Rico

LECLARA: Sustainable Tourism Through Local Mapping in Ghana

LECLARA: Sustainable Tourism Through Local Mapping in Ghana

Open Cities Africa - Monrovia City Project - Liberia

Open Cities Africa - Monrovia City Project - Liberia

Open Cities Africa - Accra City Project - Ghana

Open Cities Africa - Accra City Project - Ghana

Code for Africa: Using Drones to Map Makoko, One of Africa's Largest Slums

Code for Africa: Using Drones to Map Makoko, One of Africa's Largest Slums

Bridging Data Gaps: Mapping Refugee Contexts in East Africa

Bridging Data Gaps: Mapping Refugee Contexts in East Africa

4 County Digitization Liberia

4 County Digitization Liberia

Digital Information for Ebola Preparedness: Point of Entry Training and Data Collection in Uganda

Digital Information for Ebola Preparedness: Point of Entry Training and Data Collection in Uganda

GAL School Peru: Creating geospatial data to improve well-being of women and children

GAL School Peru: Creating geospatial data to improve well-being of women and children

Productivity and Pollution Impacts: Monrovia Market Mapping

Productivity and Pollution Impacts: Monrovia Market Mapping

Open Cities: Community Mapping for a Resilient Bamako

Open Cities: Community Mapping for a Resilient Bamako

Research on mapping with open machine learning

Research on mapping with open machine learning

Mapping and Surveying of the Nakamiro Channel area in Kampala

Mapping and Surveying of the Nakamiro Channel area in Kampala

Energy Saving Solutions and Retailers in Bidibidi Refugee Settlement

Energy Saving Solutions and Retailers in Bidibidi Refugee Settlement

Regional Road Network Improvement in Turkey and Greece

Regional Road Network Improvement in Turkey and Greece

Scaling Machine-Learning Workflows for Participatory Mapping: Monrovia ML Challenge

Scaling Machine-Learning Workflows for Participatory Mapping: Monrovia ML Challenge

Integrating OpenStreetMap data into Caribbean disaster response efforts: GeoCRIS

Integrating OpenStreetMap data into Caribbean disaster response efforts: GeoCRIS

Mwanza Urban Risks Mapping: Ramani Mwanza

Mwanza Urban Risks Mapping: Ramani Mwanza

Community Mapping Urban Risk Exposure in Dar es Salaam: Ramani Huria Extension

Community Mapping Urban Risk Exposure in Dar es Salaam: Ramani Huria Extension

Map Malawi: OSM Mapping for Refugees - A Case of Dzaleka Camp, Malawi

Map Malawi: OSM Mapping for Refugees - A Case of Dzaleka Camp, Malawi

Shack Dwellers Federation Namibia: Guardians of the Map: Growing a community of OSM Mappers

Shack Dwellers Federation Namibia: Guardians of the Map: Growing a community of OSM Mappers

USAID Local Impact Governance in Zambia

USAID Local Impact Governance in Zambia

COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign, Pilot Project

COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign, Pilot Project

Open Data for Resilience and Risk Management Initiative: Open Cities Latin America and Caribbean

Open Data for Resilience and Risk Management Initiative: Open Cities Latin America and Caribbean

Protecting the Frontlines Project - Kenya and Uganda

Protecting the Frontlines Project - Kenya and Uganda

Scaling Missing Maps in the Great Lakes Region

Scaling Missing Maps in the Great Lakes Region

Satellite Imagery for Social Good in Kenya and Nigeria

Satellite Imagery for Social Good in Kenya and Nigeria

Canoa de Tolda

Canoa de Tolda

A fábrica de projetos

A fábrica de projetos

Building Capacity for Inclusive Data Collection for the OSM Community in Namibia

Building Capacity for Inclusive Data Collection for the OSM Community in Namibia

Canoa de Tolda

Canoa de Tolda

Climate Resilience Planning with Digital Mapping

Climate Resilience Planning with Digital Mapping

Community Participatory Mapping for Disaster Resilience

Community Participatory Mapping for Disaster Resilience

Crowd-Source Mapping for Disaster Management (Timor Leste)

Crowd-Source Mapping for Disaster Management (Timor Leste)

Fighting Gender-Based Violence (GBV) using OpenSteetMap Tools in Western Uganda

Fighting Gender-Based Violence (GBV) using OpenSteetMap Tools in Western Uganda

La fábrica de proyectos

La fábrica de proyectos

Mapeamento de vulcões no Equador

Mapeamento de vulcões no Equador

Mapeo de Volcanes en Ecuador

Mapeo de Volcanes en Ecuador

Mapeo participativo de transporte en Zitácuaro, Michoacán

Mapeo participativo de transporte en Zitácuaro, Michoacán

Mapping Contraceptive Access in the Newly Formed Cities in Northern Uganda

Mapping Contraceptive Access in the Newly Formed Cities in Northern Uganda

Mapping Ruboni Village Tourist Attractions on OpenStreetMap to Enhance Regional Tourism

Mapping Ruboni Village Tourist Attractions on OpenStreetMap to Enhance Regional Tourism

Mapping the Chepang Community

Mapping the Chepang Community

Mapping Tropical Storm Ana and Cyclone Gombe in the Most Affected Districts of Malawi for Early Recovery of Affected Communities

Mapping Tropical Storm Ana and Cyclone Gombe in the Most Affected Districts of Malawi for Early Recovery of Affected Communities

Mapping Volcanoes in Ecuador

Mapping Volcanoes in Ecuador

Open Cities Mexico

Open Cities Mexico

Open Cities México

Open Cities México

OpenCities Guatemala: San José Poaquil, Chimaltenango

OpenCities Guatemala: San José Poaquil, Chimaltenango

Open Cities Guatemala: San José Poaquil, Chimaltenango

Open Cities Guatemala: San José Poaquil, Chimaltenango

OpenStreetMap in Schools of the West Nile and Western Uganda regions

OpenStreetMap in Schools of the West Nile and Western Uganda regions

Participatory transport mapping in Zitácuaro, Michoacán

Participatory transport mapping in Zitácuaro, Michoacán

Open Mapping Hub - LAC's Publications

Open Mapping Hub - LAC's Publications

Open Cities: Saint Lucia

Open Cities: Saint Lucia

Open Cities Latin America and the Caribbean, Dominica

Open Cities Latin America and the Caribbean, Dominica

Open Cities: Jamaica

Open Cities: Jamaica

Using Open-Source Tools to Profile 17 Informal Settlements in Hoima and Lira Cities in Uganda

Using Open-Source Tools to Profile 17 Informal Settlements in Hoima and Lira Cities in Uganda

The Project Factory

The Project Factory

A Unique Approach to Granting - The Devolved Microgrant Program and its Impact on Local Communities

A Unique Approach to Granting - The Devolved Microgrant Program and its Impact on Local Communities

She Leads and She Inspires

She Leads and She Inspires

Peer-to-Peer Learning for Open Mapping Communities

Peer-to-Peer Learning for Open Mapping Communities

HOT OpenSummit 23-24

HOT OpenSummit 23-24

Strengthening Collaboration Between Organizations and Local Communities in West Africa through the OSMer in Residence Program

Strengthening Collaboration Between Organizations and Local Communities in West Africa through the OSMer in Residence Program

Kakuma Kalobeyei Community Mapping

Kakuma Kalobeyei Community Mapping

Renforcer La Collaboration Entre Les Organisations et Les Communautés Locales en Afrique de L'ouest Grace au Programme OSMer en Résidence

Renforcer La Collaboration Entre Les Organisations et Les Communautés Locales en Afrique de L'ouest Grace au Programme OSMer en Résidence

Open Mapping for All

Open Mapping for All

Hurricane Otis 2023 Response

Hurricane Otis 2023 Response

Activación por el Huracán Otis 2023

Activación por el Huracán Otis 2023

Mapping for Climate Ready Cities - Latin America

Mapping for Climate Ready Cities - Latin America

Women-Centered Disaster Resilience in Small Island Developing States - Trinidad and Tobago

Women-Centered Disaster Resilience in Small Island Developing States - Trinidad and Tobago

Mapping for Climate Ready Cities - Nigeria and Ivory Coast

Mapping for Climate Ready Cities - Nigeria and Ivory Coast

Mapping for Climate Ready Cities - East and Southern Africa

Mapping for Climate Ready Cities - East and Southern Africa

Anticipatory Mapping for Climate Resilience in Timor Leste

Anticipatory Mapping for Climate Resilience in Timor Leste

Mapeo Participativo en San Antonio de Prado, Colombia

Mapeo Participativo en San Antonio de Prado, Colombia

Mapping for Climate Ready Cities - Dhaka

Mapping for Climate Ready Cities - Dhaka

Mapping for Climate Ready Cities - Jumla

Mapping for Climate Ready Cities - Jumla

Women-Centered Disaster Resilience in Small Island Developing States - Timor-Leste

Women-Centered Disaster Resilience in Small Island Developing States - Timor-Leste

Women Centered Disaster Resilience in Small Island Developing States - Montserrat

Women Centered Disaster Resilience in Small Island Developing States - Montserrat

Collaborative and Inclusive Mapping of the Middle Solimões, Amazon

Collaborative and Inclusive Mapping of the Middle Solimões, Amazon

Mapeamento Colaborativo e Inclusivo do Médio Solimões, Amazônia

Mapeamento Colaborativo e Inclusivo do Médio Solimões, Amazônia

Mapeo Colaborativo e Inclusivo del Medio Solimões, Amazonas

Mapeo Colaborativo e Inclusivo del Medio Solimões, Amazonas

Mapping of public health facilities supporting Polio Eradication in Indonesia

Mapping of public health facilities supporting Polio Eradication in Indonesia

Mapping for Climate Ready Cities - Liberia and Sierra Leone

Mapping for Climate Ready Cities - Liberia and Sierra Leone

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Floods Response

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Floods Response

Sustainable Cities: Mai Tou Togo

Sustainable Cities: Mai Tou Togo

Public Health: Sunnu Wer Gi Yaram

Public Health: Sunnu Wer Gi Yaram

Tracking Flooding in Rural Liberia

Tracking Flooding in Rural Liberia

Water Access in Rural Niger (Ruwa)

Water Access in Rural Niger (Ruwa)

Belize Wildfires Response

Belize Wildfires Response

2024 Hurricane Beryl Response

2024 Hurricane Beryl Response

Humanitarian Mapping Brigade

Humanitarian Mapping Brigade

UnAula: Mapping of Populations, Mobilizations, and Territories

UnAula: Mapping of Populations, Mobilizations, and Territories

Mapeo Participativo de Transporte en Zamora, Michoacán

Mapeo Participativo de Transporte en Zamora, Michoacán

Participatory Transport Mapping in Zamora, Mexico

Participatory Transport Mapping in Zamora, Mexico

Mapping Surface Water Sources in Somalia

Mapping Surface Water Sources in Somalia

2024 Mexico Pacific Hurricanes Response

2024 Mexico Pacific Hurricanes Response

Gaza Building Footprints Pre-Conflict Update 2024

Gaza Building Footprints Pre-Conflict Update 2024

Analyzing and Improving OpenStreetMap Data for Anticipatory Action in the Humanitarian System

Analyzing and Improving OpenStreetMap Data for Anticipatory Action in the Humanitarian System

Mapping For Climate-Ready Cities: Nepal Road Network Validation

Mapping For Climate-Ready Cities: Nepal Road Network Validation

Ruwa -Stories

Ruwa -Stories

Geospatial Data for Humanitarian Response in Sudan Conflict

Geospatial Data for Humanitarian Response in Sudan Conflict

Morocco Earthquake: OpenStreetMap data in support of response efforts

Morocco Earthquake: OpenStreetMap data in support of response efforts

Mapping for Sherni River Museum Project

Mapping for Sherni River Museum Project