Get Involved

Interested in Volunteering?
There are lots of ways to volunteer with HOT, including mapping, validation, and contributing a key skillset you have such as supporting training material creation, or helping develop and maintain our tools. See our full list of volunteer opportunities.
Ways you can volunteer

Join a Working Group?
HOT’s Working Groups are open to everyone. They are where the wider HOT/OSM community comes together to plan and work projects that support of HOT’s community and mission. These groups discuss HOT’s strategy, governance and plans, in a public, collaborative, participatory way.
Working Group Details

Chat with the community?
Join the community online via Slack or join the same conversation on our Space (Beta) on Matrix, a modern open source and decentralized platform. On either platform, you can join topic based channels to hear about what is going on, ask questions, or communicate with community members.
Get connected now