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Creando Datos Juntos: Mapeo colaborativo para transformar el transporte público en México

25 March, 2025


México avanza en relación con sus propuestas de políticas públicas para la regulación y modernización del transporte público. Entérate como HOT contribuyó al proyecto “Creando Datos Juntos: Mejora de la Gestión del Transporte Urbano en México”.

Cultivando el conocimiento abierto: taller de mapeo colaborativo para docentes del Tec de Monterrey

Docentes del Tec de Monterrey se capacitaron en herramientas de mapeo abierto para integrar la ciencia ciudadana en la educación universitaria. A través de sesiones teóricas y prácticas, desarrollaron proyectos de impacto social en Querétaro usando plataformas como OpenStreetMap, Mapillary y uMap. El taller fortaleció su rol como agentes de cambio, promoviendo el mapeo colaborativo como herramienta para la acción territorial y la justicia social.

Mariana Marín - 24 March, 2025


Humanitarian Data Improvements in Sudan through OpenStreetMap

Humanitarian mapping in Sudan has been improving data quality in OpenStreetMap (OSM) in otherwise uncovered areas. For those interested in using this OSM data, Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team is making it easier than ever to find what data (and where!) in Sudan has been updated.

Jessica Pechmann - 18 March, 2025


Strengthening Communities in Mangrove Conservation: Drone Technology and Local Collaboration

Discover how collaboration between local communities and the use of lightweight drones are revolutionizing mangrove conservation in Mexico, strengthening territorial management, and promoting community resilience.

Céline Jacquin, Mariana Marín - 12 March, 2025


Introducing Street-Level Imagery Projects to MapSwipe4Web!

MapSwipe4Web is launching a new street-level view! Ready to know the details? Read ahead:

Nicole Siggins - 12 March, 2025


Staff Spotlight Series: Kennedy Jomokela

Each quarter, we feature one of our all-star staff members in a Spotlight Series. Staff featured in this Series have been peer-nominated for their superb performance and values-driven work. This quarter, we spotlight Kennedy Jomokela, Project Associate at the Eastern and Southern Africa Hub.

Dana Gallaty - 11 March, 2025


Building DroneTM: A Digital Public Good Solution To Democratize Drone Mapping

Guest blogger Niraj Adhikari, from our partner NAXA, takes us through the motivations that led him to become a geospatial software developer, as well as the highs and lows of developing a groundbreaking product such as DroneTM, making the vision of accessible and community-driven drone-based mapping a reality.

Niraj Adhikari - 6 March, 2025


Lebanon's Recovery: Mapping a Path from Rubble to Resilience

Lebanon is grappling with severe destruction and displacement from recent conflict. A data-driven approach using mapping is essential for effective humanitarian aid and long-term recovery. By leveraging mapping tools and community involvement, reconstruction can better address local needs and ensure a sustainable future.

Said Abou Kharroub - 5 March, 2025


The [geospatial data] have and have-nots: 15 years of bridging the divide

As we celebrate the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team’s 15 anniversary, we reflect on the role of community-generated geospatial data in solving many of the core challenges we face this century. How can our wider data-centered international community bring in voices that are often left out?

Liz Chamberlain, Fabrizio Scrollini - 4 March, 2025


Fortalecimiento de Comunidades en la Conservación de Manglares: Tecnología de Drones y Colaboración Local

Descubre cómo la colaboración con comunidades locales y el uso de drones ligeros están revolucionando la conservación de los manglares en México, fortaleciendo la gestión territorial y promoviendo la resiliencia comunitaria.

Céline Jacquin, Mariana Marín - 3 March, 2025


The Paris Chronicles: Attending the AI Action Summit to present our AI-assisted mapping service

In the context of a big, international event such as this year’s AI Action Summit organized by the Paris Peace Forum, HOT’s Petya Kangalova, Tech Partnership and Engagement Lead, and Omran Najjar, Senior Technical Product Owner- AI, reflect on their attendance and the importance of keeping AI developments close to the humans they intend to serve.

Petya Kangalova, Omran Najjar - 28 February, 2025


Strengthening Disaster Preparedness in Belize Through Youth-Led Open Mapping and Open Data Collection

A cohort of 30 young volunteers in Belize was trained in open data collection and mapping tools to enhance disaster preparedness. The Emergency Resources Mapping pilot, led by HOT in partnership with CDEMA and NEMO, focused on identifying key emergency resources such as hazardous areas and communication towers. The initiative strengthens local capacity for disaster risk reduction and anticipatory action. This successful pilot sets the stage for scaling up open mapping efforts across the Caribbean.

Arnelle Isaac, Fabrizio Scrollini - 25 February, 2025


Juntos es Mejor: el Valor de una Red de Aliados

En tiempos de crisis, la colaboración es clave. El Hub de América Latina y el Caribe fortalece el trabajo humanitario con una red de aliadas y aliados, impulsando el mapeo abierto para generar soluciones resilientes y sostenibles.

Juan Arellano Valdivia - 24 February, 2025


Together is Better: The Value of a Network of Allies

In times of crisis, collaboration is key. The Latin America and Caribbean Hub strengthens humanitarian efforts through a network of allies, driving open mapping to create resilient and sustainable solutions.

Juan Arellano Valdivia - 20 February, 2025


The Results Are In! Enhancing the HOT Tasking Manager Based on Your Feedback

A tool is nothing without its users. Over the years, the HOT Tasking Manager has evolved and improved thanks to the input of all the contributors around the world, who have shared with us what they love and the improvements they would like to see. In this blog, Ramya Ragupathy, the TM product owner, shares key insights from our latest user survey, along with the roadmap for 2025.

Ramya Ragupathy - 19 February, 2025


Rutas para el Desarrollo: Mapeando Caminos para la Conectividad y el Desarrollo en Guatemala

Descubre cómo el mapatón liderado por HOT y PNUD está transformando la infraestructura vial en Guatemala. Rutas para el Desarrollo ahora cuenta con datos precisos sobre caminos rurales, facilitando la conectividad y el desarrollo territorial. Conoce el impacto de la ciencia ciudadana en la planificación pública.

Céline Jacquin, Mariana Marín - 18 February, 2025
