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Tools & Data

What is Open Mapping

Open mapping is a global movement to create free and open geographic data, grounded in open source principles and data protection. Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team serves as a platform that fosters community building, collaboration and development of resources to contribute to the movement. A core part of the movement is OpenStreetMap (OSM), an independent and crowdsourced project to map the world driven by a growing community of mappers.

There are many open source tools available to use in your end to end mapping workflows, and resources to use OSM and other open data to better share and utilize data for better decisions. HOT contributes to the open source mapping community as part of HOT’s product suite. If you are interested in contributing or repurposing our tools, you can access all our code, documentation, and other resources on GitHub.

Resources and Learning Center

New to open mapping or wondering how to incorporate more open data into your workflows? Our resources and trainings are your starting points to learn more about open mapping movement and OpenStreetMap.

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