Disaster Early Warning And Capacity Building: InAWARE
TM Project
Project Boundaries
Coverage Area
Mappers Involvedⓘ Total number of Mappers involved in the project
Countriesⓘ Total number of Countries covered in the project
Area Covered (Sq.KM)ⓘ Total area covered by the project
Total Map Editsⓘ Total number of OSM edits
HOT is supporting the development of InAWARE, a disaster management tool, aimed at improving risk assessment, early-warning, and disaster-management decision making in Indonesia.
HOT is collaborating on a USAID, Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) funded program together with the University of Hawaii: Pacific Disaster Centre (PDC) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): PetaBencana to support the Government of Indonesia: Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB). The program is focused on the development of InAWARE, a disaster management tool, aimed at improving overall risk assessment, early-warning, and disaster-management decision making in Indonesia.
A well established relationship between PDC and the Indonesian national disaster management agency, BNPB, led to the development of a customised version of the DisasterAWARE system for Indonesia. Initiated in 2013, InAWARE provides hazard monitoring, disaster early warning, and decision support capabilities to disaster managers in Indonesia at both the national and provincial levels. Early in 2016, a second phase...
Recent news from Disaster Early Warning And Capacity Building: InAWARE (View all news)
HOT Indonesia Completed Mapping Lifeline Infrastructures in Semarang
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team has completed mapping Semarang, the capital and largest city of Central Java. A city of 373.8 square kilometres and a home to over 1,5 million people, Semarang is the fifth largest city in Indonesia. The city's unique topography-- coastal lowland to the north and bumpy highlands to the south--makes it particularly prone to tidal flood and landslides.