GeoChicas: Mapping the Gendered Effects of Disasters
Mapping gender violence and inequalities in the aftermath of a disaster
Following the 2017 Mexico earthquakes, the GeoChicas team have started a pilot project researching informal shelters and their relation to women’s security after a disaster. The project is based in the Oaxaca region which suffered two major earthquakes in 2017.
Collaborating with disaster response experts, the aim is to create a database of informal provisional shelters and designated shelters to overlay with the geographical locations of reports of sexual harassment and gender violence. The maps produced will help inform and improve women’s safety in the area and during future disaster management.
Recent news from GeoChicas: Mapping the Gendered Effects of Disasters (View all news)
GeoChicas: Mapping the path of women after the earthquake in Oaxaca
The earthquakes that occurred in September 2017 in Mexico affected different areas of the country, including Mexico City, Chiapas and the State of Oaxaca.