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Peru has 7 HOT projects

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Mapatones Anuales Anticipatorios: Innovación y Colaboración para Cerrar Vacíos Cartográficos en Latinoamérica y el Caribe

Los Mapatones Nacionales Anuales Anticipatorios (MANA) son una estrategia innovadora para cerrar vacíos cartográficos en América Latina y el Caribe, fortaleciendo la prevención y gestión de riesgos. En 2024, los MANA impactaron en Ecuador, Perú, Colombia y Guatemala, demostrando el poder del mapeo abierto para construir comunidades más resilientes.

Céline Jacquin, Constanza Petrazzini, Mariana Marín — — 14 February, 2025

Anticipatory Annual Mapathons: Innovation and Collaboration to Close Mapping Gaps in Latin America and the Caribbean

The Annual National Anticipatory Mapathons (MANA) are an innovative strategy to close mapping gaps in Latin America and the Caribbean, strengthening risk prevention and management. In 2024, MANA made an impact in Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, and Guatemala, showcasing the power of open mapping to build more resilient communities.

Céline Jacquin, Constanza Petrazzini, Mariana Marín — — 10 January, 2025

Mapeando a Cultura Andina: Uma Jornada Através do Linderaje em Cusco

As pessoas docentes da GAL School em Cusco, Peru, utilizam ferramentas de mapeamento aberto para documentar e preservar tradições como o linderaje, fundindo tecnologia com práticas ancestrais. Através do programa Open Mapping for All, docentes e estudantes empregam tecnologias de empoderamento e participação, fortalecendo assim a educação e a identidade comunitária.

Mariana Marín — — 28 May, 2024

Mapping Andean Culture: A Journey Through Linderaje in Cusco

Teachers at GAL School in Cusco, Peru use open mapping tools to document and preserve traditions such as linderaje, merging technology with ancestral practices. Through the Open Mapping for All program, teachers and students employ empowerment and participation technologies, thereby strengthening education and community identity.

Mariana Marín — — 28 May, 2024

Mapeando la Cultura Andina: Un Viaje a Través del Linderaje en Cusco

Los docentes de la GAL School en Cusco, Perú utilizan herramientas de mapeo abierto para documentar y preservar tradiciones como el linderaje, fusionando tecnología y prácticas ancestrales. A través del programa Open Mapping for All, docentes y estudiantes emplean tecnologías de empoderamiento y participación, fortaleciendo así la educación y la identidad comunitaria.

Mariana Marín — — 28 May, 2024

Amazonian Mapping for an Inclusive and Sustainable Amazon

Explore the Amazonian Mapping initiative, a project by the Open Mapping Hub focused on Latin America, highlighting the importance of social impact mapping in the Amazon region. Discover key projects in Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil, and Peru to strengthen prevention, emergency management, sustainable forest management, and community resilience.

LAC Hub Team — — 12 February, 2024