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OpenStreetMap and Yolanda: A Report from Manila

Kate Chapman

5 December, 2013


HOT Mapping party at #ICCM in Nairobi

Severin Menard and I are in Nairobi for the International Conference of Crisis Mappers. We decided to host an afternoon mapping party with the...

Heather Leson - 22 November, 2013


Réponse d'OpenStreetMap au Typhon Haiyan / Yolanda

Le super-typhon Haiyan aux Philippines est le plus fort jamais enregistré. Nous supportons la communauté OpenStreetMap des Philippines. Au cours de la première semaine...

Pierre Béland - 18 November, 2013


Remote HOT Activation in the Philippines for Typhoon Yolanda/Haiyan

The Humanitarian OpenSteetMap Team (HOT) has activated to provide geographic base data in areas affected by typhoon Yolanda/Haiyan in the Philippines. Currently we are...

Kate Chapman - 11 November, 2013


Open Cities Dhaka Kicks Off

This week the Open Cities Dhaka Project begins. The project is supported by the World Bank and involves the collection and open dissemination of...

Jeff Haack - 2 September, 2013


OpenStreetMap Sri Lanka

Fort du soutien financier et opérationnel de la Direction de la Francophonie numérique (DFN) de l’Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), HOT avec un...

Jeff Haack - 13 August, 2013


Espace OSM Francophone in Togo Day+4 - English version

The fourth day of this set up mission of the project Espace OSM Francophone in Togo is coming to its end.With the support of the Direction de la Francophonie Numérique (OIF-DFN) from Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie, members of the WoeLab Lomé of Africaine d'Architecture, Amadou Ndong of the project OpenStreetMap Sénégal deployed with me under the banner of HOT, we have been working to set up the OSM project in this country of Western Africa

Nicolas Chavent - 28 June, 2013


Espace OSM Francophone au Togo à J+4

Le quatrième jour de cette mission de lancement du projet Espace OSM Francophone au Togo s'achève.Avec le soutien de la Direction de la Francophonie Numérique (OIF-DFN) de l'Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie, les membres du WoeLab Lomé de l'Africaine d'Architecture, Amadou Ndong du projet OpenStreetMap Sénégal déployé avec moi sous la bannière de HOT, nous travaillons à l'ancrage du projet OpenStreetMap dans ce pays de l'Afrique de l'Ouest.

Nicolas Chavent - 28 June, 2013


European Commission Joint Research Center and OpenStreetMap

Late March, just coming back from Burundi, I have been invited by Guido Lemoine from the Institute for the Protection and Security of the...

Séverin Ménard - 27 May, 2013


Comprehensive Report on Mali Activation

Early this year, HOT was activated in Mali. Pierre Beland took the lead on this activation, and produced for OCHA this excellent report. Recommended...

Mikel Maron - 29 April, 2013


Hottie Humberto Yances presents the La Boquilla Project

Humberto Yances has written up his wonderful OSM community work in La Boquilla, and HOT wants to share great work by HOT members (note, this is not a formal HOT project). From an idea, to engagement, to mapping, to distribution, to use, La Boquilla clearly demonstrates what can happen with an open, networked, community based approach. [inline:equipo.jpg]From these evocative beginnings ...

Mikel Maron - 24 April, 2013


Starting a HOT Activation in Central African Republic

Bangui, la capitale de la République Centrafricaine, a été prise le 24 mars par les rebelles de la Séléka, trois mois après leur arrivée depuis les contrées septentrionales du pays. Dans la mesure où la situation dans la capitale est devenue assez tragique, comme elle l’était déjà depuis quelques temps pour de nombreuses autres villes et villages, il est temps maintenant de démarrer une Activation HOT officielle afin de répondre à cette crise. Dans les lignes qui suivent, je fais un rapide aperçu d’OSM dans le pays et des besoins à combler.

Séverin Ménard - 11 April, 2013

Central African Republic

La communauté Dakaroise est rejoint par de nouveaux mappers

Voilà déjà un mois que j’avais quitté Dakar. Sur place, le projet OSM_SN initié par HOT en mai 2012 avait déjà touché de nombreuses...

7 March, 2013


Senegal : mapping in Saint-Louis is going well and OSM_SN project getting stronger

Après la semaine de formation réalisée au sein de l’Université de Ziguinchor, sujet du dernier blogpost, retour le 28 janvier à Saint-Louis avec Bassirou...

22 February, 2013


Burundi: maybe a small country, but great opportunities for open data with Eurosha

One Eurosha country we did not talk about so far here (sorry for this) is Burundi, this small but crowded country between DRC, Rwanda and Tanzania. There, Adelina, Alexandra, Anna, Désiré, Gloria, Iolanda and Marion are hosted in Bujumbura, the Capital city, and are lucky to live and work in a big, quite comfortable house called “Le Château” (“the Castle” in French, what is though a bit exaggerated: not so cosy, and more pasta for dinner than game birds...), without actually being hosted by lazy chatelaines, but fierce defenders of the open source and open data causes.[inline:DSC_0231 800x600.jpg]In the country, there was no local mappers, but already some areas traced remotely by foreigners, essentially over Bujumbura, sometimes from old Yahoo imagery.

Séverin Ménard - 21 February, 2013


How to engage with non-spatial partners, feedback from the field in Kenya

When presenting OpenStreetMap to stakeholders who are already engaged in some kind of GIS and mapping activities, the biggest challenge to overcome is usually...

Stéphane Henriod - 20 February, 2013
