News — 07 October, 2014
Updates from Indonesia
Back in 2011, the first time I joined HOT as an intern for Community Mapping Pilot (Phase I), I never expect anything big or anything huge. But things are getting bigger and of course better in terms of coordination, projects, and hopefully sustainability. Now, we have 9 HOTies (including myself) working together in a shared workspace with Wikimedia Indonesia and Web Foundation in Jakarta.
Meet Indonesian HOT Team :)
We have several projects going on around Indonesia:
- In partnership with Australia-Indonesia Facility for Disaster Reduction (AIFDR-DFAT) and BNPB (National Disaster Agency) we want to spread about OpenStreetMap (OSM) around Indonesia so there will be more mappers and local support if BPBD (Provincial/District disaster agency) need some support for exposure mapping. So, this year we are focusing for having University roadshow and training across Indonesia.
Supposedly, there are 6 universities, but because of high demand, now we have 13 universities around Indonesia on our list, there are:
- Universitas Indonesia
- Universitas Gadjah Mada
- Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November
- Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
- Universitas Hasanuddin
- Universitas Nusa Cendana Kupang
- Universitas Nusa Nipa Maumere
- Institut Teknologi Medan
- Universitas Negeri Padang
- Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
- Sekolah Tinggi Pertanahan Nasional Yogyakarta
- Universitas Islam Indonesia
- Universitas Riau
This roadshow will be used to socialize and introducing about OSMand how it can be useful for everyone. The aim is to trigger interest in further involvement with OSM. After the roadshow, the university will help the HOT team to organize for OSM and QGIS/InaSAFE workshop.
Students who particpated will have the opportunity to become certified "OSM Surveyor" and their name will be added into Scenario Development for Contingency Planning (SD4CP) that can be accessed by disaster managers, so during the emergency situation (or for creating contingency planning), they will have local OSM mappers to help them collect the data. HOT will do the certification process to support disaster contingeny plan in the region.
Training activities will include components such as data collection, data integration, and validation of data, which becomes a special skill or ability to become OSM experts. In addition, a brief introduction of the contingency plan will be given to students to give them an idea of the purpose of data collection.
Group photo after workshop in Universitas Nusa Cendana Kupang
- Another big project (which me and one of my colleague focused on) is: integrating OSM, QGIS, and InaSAFE curriculum into BNPB's Training Module. We already had meeting with AIFDR and BNPB several times because we are directly involved as Curriculum Working Group inside BNPB's body. Our main goal is to create curriculum frameworks and training materials to support disaster risk reduction. This curriculum later will be used to teach BNPB's and BPBD's staff at InaDRTG (Indonesia Disaster Relief Training Ground) which is just launched several months ago. Once its done, we will release it to the public like the existing curriculum and material which available under InaSAFE website.
- Remember about Mapping Jakarta in 2012? BPBD DKI Jakarta once again will utilize OSM and this time, we are assissting them to update Jakarta map and mapping the lowest level boundary, RT! It is still supported by GFDRR World Bank and AIFDR.
- We also attending in conference and seminar, for example Indonesian Linux Conference, and the next big one is a yearly event by BNPB: Indonesian Disaster Risk Reduction Month in Bengkulu. Our colleague design some fancy decorations for the stand :)
Creating a fancy decorations for HOT-OSM and AIFDR stand :)
Last but not least, we always track the number of participants after we had a workshop. The total number of people we have trained so far (numbers from the pilot) is: 2012 people, in 75 trainings, across 14 (out of 34) provinces in Indonesia! And this number will keep growing starting next week as me and my colleagues will fly to East Java for OSM training as part of the university roadshow program ;)
Also here are the updated OSM editing video available:
OSM 2013 Indonesia Edits - Jakarta, Sumbawa, Padang
OSM 2013 Indonesia Edits - Makassar, Bengawan Solo, Cilacap