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Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) joins the Overture Maps Foundation

Leen D'hondt

24 June, 2024


After careful consideration, we realized that joining the Overture Maps Foundation will enable us to fulfill our role as an organization dedicated to the creation and use of open map data for humanitarian action and community development.

El Impacto del Mapeo Humanitario Colaborativo en la Preparación para Desastres en Ecuador

El mapeo humanitario colaborativo mejora la gestión del riesgo en América Latina y el Caribe, como demostró la rápida respuesta ante las inundaciones en Esmeraldas, Ecuador. La colaboración y los datos abiertos fueron clave para decisiones informadas y eficaces.

Céline Jacquin, Mariana Marín - 18 June, 2024


The Impact of Collaborative Humanitarian Mapping on Disaster Preparedness in Ecuador

Collaborative humanitarian mapping enhances risk management in Latin America and the Caribbean, as demonstrated by the rapid response to the floods in Esmeraldas, Ecuador. Collaboration and open data were key to making informed and effective decisions.

Céline Jacquin, Mariana Marín - 18 June, 2024


O Impacto do Mapeamento Humanitário Colaborativo na Preparação para Desastres no Equador

O mapeamento humanitário colaborativo aprimora a gestão de riscos na América Latina e no Caribe, como demonstrado pela rápida resposta às enchentes em Esmeraldas, Equador. A colaboração e os dados abertos foram fundamentais para tomar decisões informadas e eficazes.

Céline Jacquin, Mariana Marín - 18 June, 2024


Together we map for good: building the Open Drone Aerial Tasking Manager

Leveraging drones and crowdsourcing, DroneTM equips local pilots and disaster-prone communities with tools to create high-resolution aerial maps, enhancing disaster response and community resilience.

Fabrizio Scrollini, Paul Uithol, Ivan Buendía Gayton, Philip Hippolyte, Nuala Cowan, Pierre Chrzanowski, Uttam Pudasaini - 11 June, 2024


Juntos mapeamos por el bien: construyendo el Gestor de Tareas Open Drone Aerial Tasking Manager

Aprovechando drones y crowdsourcing, DroneTM equipa a pilotos locales y comunidades propensas a desastres con herramientas para crear mapas aéreos de alta resolución, mejorando la respuesta a desastres y la resiliencia comunitaria.

Fabrizio Scrollini, Paul Uithol, Philip Hippolyte, Ivan Buendía Gayton, Nuala Cowan, Pierre Chrzanowski, Uttam Pudasaini - 11 June, 2024


Juntos mapeamos para o bem: construindo o Open Drone Aerial Tasking Manager

Aproveitando drones e crowdsourcing, a DroneTM equipa pilotos locais e comunidades propensas a desastres com ferramentas para criar mapas aéreos de alta resolução, melhorando a resposta a desastres e a resiliência comunitária.

Fabrizio Scrollini, Paul Uithol, Ivan Buendía Gayton, Philip Hippolyte, Nuala Cowan, Pierre Chrzanowski, Uttam Pudasaini - 11 June, 2024


OSM vs GIS: What I’ve learned about OSM from a GIS Perspective

When I started at the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) almost three years ago, I joined the organization with years of experience using geographic information systems (GIS) in the public and humanitarian sectors but little —okay, embarrassingly little— experience in OpenStreetMap (OSM).

Jessica Pechmann - 6 June, 2024


fAIr in Production is Available for Everyone

We are nearly halfway through 2024 and are excited to share some updates on HOT's AI-assisted mapping service (fAIr) - specifically the successful fAIr production release on 31 May 2024!

Omran Najjar - 4 June, 2024


Strengthening Indigenous Forest Management with Open Mapping in Guatemala

Explore the transformative impact of the OpenCities project in San José Poaquil, Guatemala, where geospatial data and community engagement are enabling indigenous forest management, and helping communities adapt to climate change.

Carlos Duarte - 4 June, 2024


Meet the Women-Led Mapping Group Enabling Quilombola Communities in the Amazon Through Open Mapping

Meninas da Geo, a women-led mapping group, is enabling Quilombola communities in the Amazon through open mapping. Learn how participatory mapping is strengthening their land rights, promoting sustainable practices, and preserving cultural heritage amidst industrial pressures in Moju-PA, Brazil.

Mariana Marín, Carla Habif - 2 June, 2024


Mapeando a Cultura Andina: Uma Jornada Através do Linderaje em Cusco

As pessoas docentes da GAL School em Cusco, Peru, utilizam ferramentas de mapeamento aberto para documentar e preservar tradições como o linderaje, fundindo tecnologia com práticas ancestrais. Através do programa Open Mapping for All, docentes e estudantes empregam tecnologias de empoderamento e participação, fortalecendo assim a educação e a identidade comunitária.

Mariana Marín - 28 May, 2024


Mapping Andean Culture: A Journey Through Linderaje in Cusco

Teachers at GAL School in Cusco, Peru use open mapping tools to document and preserve traditions such as linderaje, merging technology with ancestral practices. Through the Open Mapping for All program, teachers and students employ empowerment and participation technologies, thereby strengthening education and community identity.

Mariana Marín - 28 May, 2024


Mapeando la Cultura Andina: Un Viaje a Través del Linderaje en Cusco

Los docentes de la GAL School en Cusco, Perú utilizan herramientas de mapeo abierto para documentar y preservar tradiciones como el linderaje, fusionando tecnología y prácticas ancestrales. A través del programa Open Mapping for All, docentes y estudiantes emplean tecnologías de empoderamiento y participación, fortaleciendo así la educación y la identidad comunitaria.

Mariana Marín - 28 May, 2024


Examiner le potentiel et l'état de la communauté OSM en Haïti

Explorez le potentiel et l'état actuel de la communauté OpenStreetMap (OSM) en Haïti à travers ce rapport de 2024. Il met en lumière l'évolution des communautés OSM en Haïti et les défis significatifs auxquels elles sont confrontées. Les recommandations pour la durabilité soulignent la nécessité de partenariats solides et de conférences annuelles pour soutenir l'action humanitaire et la réponse aux crises en utilisant des données géospatiales ouvertes.

Louise Mathurin Serieux - 20 May, 2024


Examining the Potential and State of the OSM Community in Haiti

Explore the potential and current state of the OpenStreetMap (OSM) Community in Haiti through this 2024 report. It highlights the evolution of OSM communities in Haiti and the significant challenges they face. Recommendations for sustainability emphasize the need for strong partnerships and annual conferences to support humanitarian action and crisis response using open geospatial data.

Louise Mathurin Serieux - 20 May, 2024
