London HOT Congo Mapathon
What happens when you bring together people from Médecins Sans Frontières, with some people who are experienced OpenStreetMappers, and a bunch of people who...
The Roles of Experts and the Public - Report Back from Commons Lab Event
HOT and our community are increasingly considered global response leaders. Our perspective and expertise provides a unique bridge between the OSM community and traditional...
CAR Activation, Year 2
Cela fait maintenant plus d'un an que l'Activation pour la République centrafricaine a débuté. Cela fait aussi déjà trois mois depuis que j'ai publié...
Mapping on in Haiphong
Back in October 2013 I headed to Haiphong for three weeks in conjunction with the World Bank to map transit infrastructure in the city....
2014 West Africa Ebola Outbreak Response, Second update
Our mapping response in West Africa due to the Ebola epidemic there continues. The Bing high-res imagery is the main source for tracing the...
A week in Lubumbashi (DRC)
Lundi 17 mars 2014 après-midi : je monte dans un avion en direction de Lubumbashi, dans le sud de la République Démocratique du Congo...
2014 West Africa Ebola Outbreak Response
The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team was asked to coordinate for the OpenStreetMap contributors to support the humanitarians by mapping in detail various towns where they...
Réponse à la crise d'Ébola, Afrique de l'Ouest, 2014
L'équipe OpenStreetMap humanitaire agit à titre de contact entre la communauté d'OpenStreetMap et les humanitaires pour cartographier en détail les différentes villes où les...
OpenStreetMap on the Ground: Update from Kathmandu
I reported the HOT Community on OpenStreetMap work in Nepal in the beginning of 2013 (click here to see my post). Almost a year...
LearnOSM Updates
Recently we've made some improvements to LearnOSM, HOT's resource for learning to use OpenStreetMap from the ground up. It's not always easy keeping up...
Peace Corps + OpenStreetMap
The Peace Corps and Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team have been collaborating for over a year. To me its a natural connection. Peace Corps Volunteers (known...
Activation HOT en République centrafricaine : état de la progression
Merci à tous les contribueurs qui ont aidé à cartographier Bangui et Zemio la semaine dernière ! J'ai effectué une revue de l'état de la progression...
Some editing stats from the Typhoon Haiyan response
On Friday I presented a talk at the Open Data Institute on "Typhoon Crisis Mapping With OpenStreetMap". You can see the slides and notes...
HOT Monitoring for the current Crisis in South Sudan
South Sudan is currently a top humanitarian focus if we consider the number of publications over the week on ReliefWeb. Since violence increased in...
Imagery for Haiyan
OpenStreetMap began with people walking, biking, and driving around their neighborhoods, surveying data using GPS to map. Starting in 2007, satellite imagery became available...