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Practical Action Bolivia Trained Community Members in Mapping Areas Impacted by Forest Fires

8 June, 2021


Practical Action Bolivia has completed their microgrant supporting communities in mapping areas that have been impacted by forest fires in the Amazon.

How can we improve community disaster preparedness and response capacities with crowdsourced spatial data in Latin America and the Caribbean?

HOT, in collaboration with the Global Fund for Disaster Reduction and Recovery and SwissRE Foundation, is proud to announce the Open Cities Latin America and the Caribbean project.

Céline Jacquin - 7 June, 2021

Mexico and 4 other countries

OMDTZ Launches Fellowship Program Focusing on Emerging Technology

OpenMap Development Tanzania announces the start of Open Skies Fellows: Africa Tech for African Data, implemented in partnership with HOT and Uhurulabs and supported by Fondation Botnar.

Hawa Adinani, Open Map Development Tanzania - 25 May, 2021


Validators: Experienced Mappers Making an Outsized Contribution

Validators serve an essential role in ensuring data quality and providing feedback to new mappers. Learn how validation works and how you can become a validator.

Ralph Aytoun, Rebecca Chandiru, Sam Colchester, Russell Deffner, Geoffrey Kateregga - 24 May, 2021


Building a Detailed Flood Model with Community Mapped Drainage Data (by the Resilience Academy)

The Resilience Academy partnered with Delft University of Technology to investigate if community-mapped drainage data was suitable for creating an urban flood model.

Resilience Academy, Louise Petersson, Hessel Winsemius, Iddy Chazua, Elia Dominic - 7 May, 2021


Why and How: Challenging Sexism and Misogyny in the Open Mapping Ecosystem

In honor of the 2021 International Women’s Day and Women History Month, the HOT Community Working Group (WG) organized two webinars: #ChooseToChallenge: Sexism and...

Community Working Group members, Céline Jacquin, Nathalie Sidibe, Mats’eliso Thobei Letsie, Laura Mugeha, Violaine Doutreleau, Aishworya Shrestha, Leigh Lunas, Catherine D'Ignazio, Arnalie Vicario, Courtney Clark, Jikka Defiño - 27 April, 2021


Scaling Missing Maps in Africa’s Great Lakes Region Project, Kisoro District Uganda

HOT is using open source geospatial mapping tools and local knowledge to improve field epidemiology and patient tracing in rural Uganda.

Mbabani Allan, Deogratias Kiggudde - 26 April, 2021


Mapping Solid Waste Zones in Lusaka

OSM Zambia has completed their Facebook Community Impact Microgrant in which they mapped waste collection zones in the rapidly growing city of Lusaka to support the waste collection and disposal.

Chomba Chisala - 22 April, 2021


The Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Hub Announces Four Facebook Community Impact Microgrants!

Four communities in Eastern and Southern Africa have been selected as recipients of the Facebook Community Impact Microgrant. Congratulations to The Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia, OpenStreetMap Uganda, The Malawi OpenStreetMap community, and The Center For Life Change and Development!

Geoffrey Kateregga - 20 April, 2021

Malawi, Namibia, Uganda

Mapping of Emergency Health Data in Senegal

With a microgrant from HOT, the OSM Senegal community and have been mapping hospitals and clinics across Senegal, aiding in the country's Covid-19 response.

Mohamet Lamine Ndiaye - 19 April, 2021


HOT Microgrant 2020 Community Capstone Project (by Mental Health AWHEREness)

Mental Health AWHEREness PH shares the work that they did through HOT's Microgrant program.They trained community members in mapping mental health services in the Philippines.

Mental Health AWHEREness PH - 16 April, 2021


How Users’ Experience Impacts Project Completion and Retention

Gloria Urrea, University of Colorado at Boulder, and Eunae Yoo, University of Tennessee, partnered with HOT to conduct research that has produced valuable insights for HOT and other organizations using the Tasking Manager. Here, they summarize their research project that examines the impact of users’ experience on project completion and retention.

Eunae Yoo, Gloria Urrea - 14 April, 2021


Mentoring a Community Through a Microgrant Application

As part of the most recent call for Facebook Community Impact Microgrant applications, HOT tried a new mentorship approach to supporting OpenStreetMap (OSM) community members through the application process.

Sophie Mower - 13 April, 2021


How We Responded to Covid-19 Pandemic by Mapping Ugandan Border Entry Towns (by MapUganda)

MapUganda has been mapping Ugandan border towns to help local health responders monitor potential avenues for Covid transmission.

MapUganda, Stellamaris Wavamunno Nakacwa, Ngumenawe Samson - 30 March, 2021


Supporting Covid-19 Response in Mongolia via Community Mapping (by Public Lab Mongolia)

In the course of their Covid-19 Rapid Response Microgrant, Public Lab Mongolia has put thousands of health, service, and infrastructure sites on the map while training a team of mappers from across the country.

Public Lab Mongolia, Erdenetsogt Su, Enkhtungalag C. - 30 March, 2021


Exposure Data and Models Shared with Disaster Management Stakeholders in Tanzania

The METEOR project has been a three-year initiative supported by the UK Space Agency International Partnership Programme to generate disaster exposure data and models in two pilot countries — Tanzania and Nepal. The process has since been repeated in another 45 official development assistance countries.

Hawa Adinani - 25 March, 2021
