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Mapping of Emergency Health Data in Senegal

Mohamet Lamine Ndiaye

19 April, 2021


With a microgrant from HOT, the OSM Senegal community and have been mapping hospitals and clinics across Senegal, aiding in the country's Covid-19 response.

HOT Microgrant 2020 Community Capstone Project (by Mental Health AWHEREness)

Mental Health AWHEREness PH shares the work that they did through HOT's Microgrant program.They trained community members in mapping mental health services in the Philippines.

Mental Health AWHEREness PH - 16 April, 2021


How Users’ Experience Impacts Project Completion and Retention

Gloria Urrea, University of Colorado at Boulder, and Eunae Yoo, University of Tennessee, partnered with HOT to conduct research that has produced valuable insights for HOT and other organizations using the Tasking Manager. Here, they summarize their research project that examines the impact of users’ experience on project completion and retention.

Eunae Yoo, Gloria Urrea - 14 April, 2021


Mentoring a Community Through a Microgrant Application

As part of the most recent call for Facebook Community Impact Microgrant applications, HOT tried a new mentorship approach to supporting OpenStreetMap (OSM) community members through the application process.

Sophie Mower - 13 April, 2021


How We Responded to Covid-19 Pandemic by Mapping Ugandan Border Entry Towns (by MapUganda)

MapUganda has been mapping Ugandan border towns to help local health responders monitor potential avenues for Covid transmission.

MapUganda, Stellamaris Wavamunno Nakacwa, Ngumenawe Samson - 30 March, 2021


Supporting Covid-19 Response in Mongolia via Community Mapping (by Public Lab Mongolia)

In the course of their Covid-19 Rapid Response Microgrant, Public Lab Mongolia has put thousands of health, service, and infrastructure sites on the map while training a team of mappers from across the country.

Public Lab Mongolia, Erdenetsogt Su, Enkhtungalag C. - 30 March, 2021


Exposure Data and Models Shared with Disaster Management Stakeholders in Tanzania

The METEOR project has been a three-year initiative supported by the UK Space Agency International Partnership Programme to generate disaster exposure data and models in two pilot countries — Tanzania and Nepal. The process has since been repeated in another 45 official development assistance countries.

Hawa Adinani - 25 March, 2021


A Joint Approach to Facilitate Covid-19 Vaccine Delivery

"Rolling out a vaccine against Covid-19 is the most pressing challenge of our time - and nobody wins the race until everyone wins." - Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization - GAVI

Disaster Services Team - 25 March, 2021


Asia and the Pacific Hub launches Facebook Community Impact Microgrants

Three communities in the Asia-Pacific have been selected as recipients of the Facebook Community Impact Microgrant. Congratulations to OSM Fiji, MapBeks in the Philippines, and the Geomatics Engineering Society at Kathmandu University!

Mikko Tamura, Sophie Mower - 11 March, 2021

Fiji, Nepal, Philippines

Building a Global Network to Map for COVID-19 Response

With support from the Humanitarian-to-Humanitarian Network, HOT has engaged the global humanitarian mapping community to support local Covid-19 responses in the biggest disaster activation in HOT's history.

Russell Deffner, Antoni Ros Martinez, Claudio de los Reyes - 3 March, 2021


Resilience Mappers from Uganda is our Summit 2020 Microgrant awardee!

Congratulations to Resilience Mappers for being selected as the recipient of the hOSM Summit 2020 microgrant!

Geoffrey Kateregga, Sophie Mower, Mikko Tamura - 3 February, 2021


January 2021: New Field Mapping Strategy, Data Validator Selection, OSMPH Meeting — HOT Philippines

In order to speed up the validation process for the PhilAWARE project, the HOT Philippines team is opening a validator selection process for local volunteers. OpenStreetMap Philippines also held our annual planning this month.

Jikka Defiño - 26 January, 2021


Community Data for Improved Disaster Management and Urban Planning — Mwanza, Tanzania (by OMDTZ)

OpenMap Development Tanzania reports on mapping and capacity building in Mwanza City, Tanzania.

OpenMap Development Tanzania - 26 January, 2021


LGBT advocates and allies map the most unmapped towns in the Philippines on OpenStreetMap (by MapBeks)

With support from a Facebook Community Impact Microgrant, MapBeks and the Philippine mapping community have been working to map the most remote and unmapped towns in the Philippines.

MapBeks - 25 January, 2021


Developing a Web Map Repository of Kampala’s Informal Settlements (by Resilience Mappers)

Resilience Mappers has built a web dashboard for geospatial data to support efforts by the Ugandan government to help residents of low-income communities who have been most affected by Covid-19 lockdowns.

Resilience Mappers, Sophie Mower - 6 January, 2021


Mapping Makoko Using Drones and Canoes

A floating inner-city slum is in the process of being mapped to make a case for improved public services and land ownership.

Anton Marshall - 4 January, 2021
