MapMalawi’s Dzaleka Mapping Project- OSM Mapping for People Living in Protracted Crisis
MapMalawi is a newly established non-governmental organisation (NGO), founded in December 2020 by two Malawian girls, Ndapile Mkuwu and Zola Manyungwa.
SiPetaniDKI: Urban Farming as a solution for climate change adaptation in Jakarta.
Originally published in IDN Times
La cartographie en situation de conflit
Des événements et des expériences récentes, dont les événements survenus l'an dernier en Afghanistan et la guerre en Ukraine, ont incité HOT - et l'ensemble de la communauté de cartographie humanitaire - à réexaminer ce qui peut être fait dans le context de OpenStreetMap, sur le plan éthique et pratique, pour aider les populations touchées par des conflits.
Mapping in Conflict
Recent events and experiences, including last year’s developments in Afghanistan and the war in Ukraine, have prompted HOT—and the wider humanitarian mapping community—to revisit what can be ethically and practically done to help people caught in conflict within the context of OSM.
DRC et Haïti, un transfert de connaissances inter-communautaire
Lorsqu'il est devenu évident que le projet de collaboration entre HOT et l'organisation communautaire COSMHANNE en Haïti nécessitait un volet de formation technique OSM en français, la communauté OSM RDC est intervenue.
DRC x Haiti Peer-to-Peer Knowledge Transfer
When it became clear that the collaborative project between HOT and the COSMHANNE community organisation in Haiti would need a technical OSM training component in French, the OSM DRC community stepped in.
New open mapping actors in Ecuador
The collaboration of experienced free culture activists with new mappers is renewing the landscape of collaborative cartography in Ecuador.
Nuevos actores del mapeo abierto en Ecuador
La colaboración de experimentados activistas de la cultura libre con nuevos mapeadores esta renovando el panorama de la cartografía colaborativa en Ecuador.
Open Mapping News from LATAM
2022 seems like a good year for the Latin American OSM community, let's see what new activities are being developed in the countries of the region.
Mapeando o Cuidado
A URBELatam, uma parceria de três universidades, está trabalhando com o Banco Preventório para mapear a comunidade do Morro do Preventório próximo ao Rio de Janeiro. O mapa permitirá que o banco amplie seus serviços à comunidade e sirva de modelo e inspiração para outras favelas.
Mapping the Care of People with URBELatam
URBELatam, a partnership of three universities, is working with the Preventório Community Bank to map the Morro do Preventório community near Rio de Janeiro. This will enable the bank to expand its services to the community and serve as a model and inspiration for other favela communities.
How does pollution stall productivity? Studying Monrovia's Duala Market
The World Bank, the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, and iLab Liberia partnered to assess how pollution and lack of infrastructure was impeding the productivity of the Duala Market, Monrovia's largest wholesale market.
Reaching Inaccessible Communities Through Road Mapping for Sustainable Development
Since 2017, HOT has partnered with Facebook to build up and improve the data in OSM, particularly for countries in Southeast Asia where HOT has extensive experience in generating open geodata for humanitarian actions.
HOT-MERL is Monitoring OSM and Tasking Manager Projects Across our Priority Countries
HeiGIT and HOT have partnered to extend the Humanitarian OSM Stats website to help relay mapping statistics to the public. It includes data, not only from HOT Tasking Manager projects, but also from all the other OSM contributors.
The Language Localization Project: Enabling Inclusion and Participation
Together with the local communities and contributors from Vietnam, Madagascar, and Mozambique, as well as the Open Mapping Hubs in the Asia-Pacific and East & Southern Africa, the Localization Project aims to develop baseline data to inform a self-sustainable Localization Strategy. We aim to bridge the gap between language and accessibility of Humanitarian Open Mapping resources.