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Why all this data? Using OSM data in HOT’s 5 Impact Areas

8 November, 2022


OpenStreetMap (OSM) was created to provide and enable the free and open creation of geospatial data, regardless of background, location or budget. And it works! Since its creation in 2005, OSM has grown to include ever expanding and deepening coverage of various base map layers and has now widely become a go-to spatial data platform for many users.

América Abierta 2022, the challenge of open data

América Abierta, formerly known as AbreLatam/ConDatos, is the regional event on open data and open government, which brings together organizations and individuals working on these issues.

Juan Arellano Valdivia - 7 November, 2022


América Abierta 2022, o desafio dos dados abertos

O América Abierta, anteriormente conhecido como AbreLatam/ConDatos, é o evento regional sobre dados abertos e governo aberto, que reúne organizações e indivíduos que trabalham nessas questões.

Juan Arellano Valdivia - 7 November, 2022


América Abierta 2022, el reto de los datos abiertos

América Abierta, antes conocido como AbreLatam/ConDatos, es el evento regional sobre datos abiertos y gobierno abierto, que reúne a organizaciones e individuos que trabajan en estos temas.

Juan Arellano Valdivia - 7 November, 2022


Crowd-Source Mapping for Disaster Management in Timor Leste

Harry Mahardhika Machmud - 26 October, 2022


Cayambe: Risk management in volcanic areas

Risk management in volcanic areas in Ecuador is a necessary activity in which open mapping plays an important role. From the LATAM Hub we took a first step to achieve this goal.

Juan Arellano Valdivia - 24 October, 2022


Cayambe: Gestão de risco em áreas vulcânicas

A gestão de risco em áreas vulcânicas no Equador é uma atividade necessária na qual o mapeamento aberto desempenha um papel importante. A partir do Hub demos um primeiro passo para atingir esse objetivo.

Juan Arellano Valdivia - 24 October, 2022


Cayambe: Gestión de riesgo en áreas volcánicas

La Gestión de riesgos en areas volcánicas en Ecuador es una actividad necesaria en la cual el mapeo abierto tiene un papel importante. Desde el Hub dimos un primer paso para lograr dicho objetivo.

Juan Arellano Valdivia - 23 October, 2022


Lessons Learned from the Wikimedia Summit 2022

On September 9-11, 2022, I attended the Wikimedia Summit 2022 in Berlin, Germany as a representative of the Wikimedia Community User Group in Uganda. As someone who belongs to several communities, I was interested in learning from the Wikimedia community lessons that could be replicated by the OpenStreetMap community.

Geoffrey Kateregga - 11 October, 2022


100% pay, 80% hours, 100% productivity: Can we create a more equitable workplace through a 4 day work week?

In the next iteration of our innovative approaches to work, HOT is piloting a voluntary, 4-day work week as part of a global initiative exploring how reduced time can result in increased productivity

6 October, 2022


Working together for better OSM data quality

What we learned at State of the Map 2022

Paul Uithol, Samson Ngumenawe, Leen D'hondt, Benjamin Herfort - 22 September, 2022


HOT Voting Membership - Welcome 50 New Members!

We are happy to announce that 50 new members have been elected to HOT’s Voting Membership (VM)! HOT’s Voting Membership has grown to 266 members from all across the globe. These 50 new members come from 29 different countries and are helping us build a more diverse and equitable community. A few insights about how our membership is changing.

14 September, 2022


Reflections and experiences of HOT Data Quality Intern 2021, Rabi Shrestha

Why did you choose to apply for the internship?

Rabi Shrestha - 8 September, 2022


Canoa de Tolda: Representing the social dynamics of the São Francisco River through mapping

Early results of HOT's collaboration with Canoa de Tolda to make the social dynamics of the São Francisco River visible through open mapping and the use of drones and other technologies.

Juan Arellano Valdivia - 30 August, 2022


Canoa de Tolda: Mapeo para visibilizar la dinámica social del Río São Francisco

Conozca los primeros resultados de la alianza de HOT con Canoa de Tolda para visibilizar la dinámica social del Río São Francisco mediante el mapeo abierto y el uso de drones y otras tecnologías.

Juan Arellano Valdivia - 30 August, 2022


Canoa de Tolda: Mapeamento para visualizar a dinâmica social do Rio São Francisco

Conheça os primeiros resultados da parceria da HOT com a Canoa de Tolda para tornar visível a dinâmica social do Rio São Francisco por meio de mapeamento aberto e uso de drones e outras tecnologias.

Juan Arellano Valdivia - 30 August, 2022
