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Women, maps and data: a conversation for International Women's Day

Juan Arellano Valdivia

10 March, 2023


A group of brilliant Latin American women expose us to various projects and tell us about various experiences in the use of maps and data, and also about their absence.

Mujeres, mapas y datos: un conversatorio por el Día Internacional de la Mujer

Un grupo de brillantes mujeres latinoamericanas nos expone diversos proyectos y nos cuentan variadas experiencias en el uso de mapas y datos, y también sobre su ausencia.

Juan Arellano Valdivia - 10 March, 2023


Turkey And Syria Response: A Month After The Earthquake

The mapping response to the Turkey and Syria earthquake has shown the power of OSM data to support disaster response.

Pete Masters, Claudio de los Reyes - 9 March, 2023

Syria, Turkey

Beyond the Map Fund Program

Through the program, organizations will be able to work closely with the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) hub team to improve access to open data sets, build partnerships with organizations and experts, and receive technical assistance, and support training.

1 March, 2023


HOT Data Quality Updates for March 2023

To support organizations that use OpenStreetMap data for disaster response, the HOT Data Team is strengthening our data quality and fitness measures.

Samson Ngumenawe - 28 February, 2023


Volunteerism in the 21st Century: The way to go

A panel discussion with panelists Sabrina Szeto, Juan Arellano and Laura Mugeha, moderated by Laxmi Goparaju

Benedicta Ohene - 2 February, 2023


Generating and Promoting Open Data

In November 2022 the Open Mapping Community Working Group hosted the webinar: Generating and Promoting Open Data. Host Laxmi N. Goparaju shares the highlights of the conversation.

Laxmi N. Goparaju - 1 February, 2023


An Approach for Improving OpenStreetMap Data Quality in Asia-Pacific

Open Mapping Hub Asia-Pacific (AP Hub) aims to support OpenStreetMap (OSM) and open mapping initiatives in the region as part of our efforts to advance this movement. AP Hub also offers a method for enhancing the quality of data on OpenStreetMap when data quality review is a regular task.

Dinar Adiatma, Risham Habib - 29 December, 2022


GIRD+OSM Lima 2022: Creating a community around Risk Management and Open Mapping

Last November, the Grassroots Management of Disaster Risks and OpenStreetMap LATAM 2022 event was held in Lima, Peru. Let's learn a little more about what happened these days in Lima around open and community mapping.

Juan Arellano Valdivia - 27 December, 2022


GIRD+OSM Lima 2022: Creando comunidad alrededor de la gestión de riesgos y el mapeo abierto

El pasado mes de noviembre se realizó en Lima, Peru el evento Gestión popular de riesgos de desastres y OpenStreetMap LATAM 2022. Conozcamos un poco mas que pasó estos días en Lima alrededor del mapeo abierto y comunitario.

Juan Arellano Valdivia - 27 December, 2022


Announcement of HOT and Caribbean School of Data Partnership: Open Mapping Technical Training in the Caribbean Region

We are partnering with the Mona School of Business and Management's (MSBM) Caribbean School of Data (CSOD) project to launch an Open Mapping Technical Training program in the Caribbean.

Shazmane Mandjee Rehamtula - 16 December, 2022

Guyana, Jamaica

Programme de mentorat cartographie collaborative

La communauté OpenStreetMap, une communauté de communautés, est composée de nombreux cartographes et autres contributeurs répartis dans les communautés locales du monde entier. Le programme de mentorat du groupe de travail de la communauté OpenStreetMap peut aider à combler les écarts de compétences entre les communautés.

Tsongo Muluba Bienvenue - 9 December, 2022


Open Mapping Community Mentorship

The OpenStreetMap community, a community of communities, is made up of many mappers and other contributors spread out across local communities around the world. The Open Mapping Community Working Group Mentorship Program can help to close skill gaps in capability between communities.

Tsongo Muluba Bienvenue - 9 December, 2022


HOT unSummit - Informe de Mitad de Programa

En nuestra misión de reunir a comunidades, socios, colaboradores y simpatizantes de la cartografía abierta humanitaria, HOT está probando un nuevo enfoque de conferencias en 2022.

unSummit Working Group - 16 November, 2022


HOT unSummit - Rapport de Mi-Programme

Dans notre mission de rassembler les communautés, les partenaires, les collaborateurs et les partisans de la cartographie ouverte humanitaire, HOT teste une nouvelle approche des conférences en 2022.

unSummit Working Group - 16 November, 2022


HOT unSummit - Mid-Program Report

In our mission to bring together communities, partners, collaborators, and supporters of humanitarian open mapping, HOT is trialling a fresh approach to conferences in 2022.

unSummit Working Group - 15 November, 2022
