News — 05 February, 2024
HOT CommunityWG x Tech&InnovationWG Communications Skillshare Series - what a blast to start the year!

THANK YOU FOR JOINING our Communications Skillshare Series!
This post originally appeared on Arnalie’s OSM Diary.
I had fun organizing and participating in these comms skillshare sessions!
Comment if you have attended or watched the sessions! Let’s level up those communications skills this year! :D
You can rewatch the recordings here.
User-Friendly Website Design with Brazil Singh
Brazil is currently the President of Youthmappers Chapter at Eastern University of Bangladesh. He shared his expertise and experience in creating user-friendly website design using WordPress. He presented theoretical and step-by-step guide on how to create a website. This webinar was inspired by his passion to support Youthmappers chapters to design their own website.
Also shoutout to Eka Diweti who hosted the webinar session! PS. I enjoyed listening to Eka! She said she was nervous but her voice was so calm and professional (watch the recording to listen!) :)
CommunityWG Ask Me Anything (AMA) session with Dara Carney-Nedelman on Communications Continuity
Dara is a comms expert (former Youthmappers cheerleader and comms specialist!) and OSM advocate. Through years of experience, Dara shared how communication can be continued from managing your comms channels and how to pass it to the next comms team.
Elevating Your Short Form Video Editing Skills with Eden Oluigbo
Eden is our newest addition to HOT! He is currently an Outreachy Intern contributing to tech engagement. Eden is also an artist and so I am really happy that he’s able to share his skill in video editing using Capcut! Check out his amazing video on the Beginner’s Guide To Contributing To HOTOSM Projects.
Thank you to Manjita for hosting the session!
We hope to see you in upcoming webinars and skillshares! Comment down if you have any topics or ideas! :)