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News — 16 May, 2018

Agetic Training Success with OSM Mali

OSM Mali run training for Communication Technologies Agency, Agetic Mali

Guest blog; Nathalie Sidibe, OSM Mali

From April 23rd to 27th 2018 training sessions on OpenStreetMap were held in the office of the Information and Communication Technologies Agency, Agetic Mali. The workshops were attended by students, graduates and students, and Agetic Mali staff.

The sessions across these 5 training days focused on tools such as OSMAnd, OSMTracker, JOSM, remote mapping coordination tools, TaskingManager, data extraction and Umap webmapping tools ‘OSM Overpass and Bbbike HotExport and Umap.


During these 5 days, the trainers introduced the OpenStreetMap project and supported trainees to use the various tools and to master them in order to achieve the objectives of the training.

With OSMAnd and OSMTracker, trainees had to collect data within the walls of the administration and its surroundings. After this exercise, trainees were taught how to export the collected data and edit it using JOSM mapping software.

After just 3 days of training sessions, trainees were able to produce and extract OSM data on their own towns, villages and cities using Overpass and Bbbike.

The last session of the training was exclusively dedicated to the web mapping tool Umap. All participants learnt how to make thematic maps according to their wishes.


We are grateful and thank Agetic staff and all of our local and international partners - ProjetEOF, HOT, Cartong - for their collaboration and technical and material support which permitted us to deliver such a successful training. We also thank and congratulate the participants for their commitment and diligence.

Special thanks to ORTM National Television, M7TV Private TV, LTV for covering the final exciting moments of this event.
