News — 18 June, 2014
OpenStreetMap Training of Trainers in the Philippines

OpenStreetMap (OSM) trainers or facilitators are one of the essential thing to help make OSM communities and programs sustainable. People or communities would like to find trainer around their area that is capable to teach OSM for their needs. Basically everyone can teach OSM, but, it will be better if trainer has mastered all the basics including additional knowledge about OSM. Non-technical skills like adult learning and communication also necessary since most of OSM training participants are adults, and the way adults learn is quite different compared to children. This is the basic idea why OSM Philippine (OSM-Ph) needed a Training of Trainers (ToT) program. The ToT itself was organized by OSM-Ph and Environmental Science for Social Change (ESSC), and supported by World Bank and Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG).
OSM Indonesia (OSM-Id) had their first ToT for the first time last year. Create for this was a first module and curriculum about Scenario Development for Contingency Planning Using OSM, QGIS, and InaSAFE[1]. So that is why, HOT with OSM-Id assisting OSM-Ph worked together to have a ToT workshop. The main goal is helping OSM-Ph to have curriculum/ToT framework and print-friendly modules from LearnOSM (in pdf format).
On May 29th - June 1st, Adityo and Emir from HOT/OSM-Id went to Manila to do LearnOSM document sprint. They met with Maning and Dianne from ESSC, also Julias and Erwin from OSM-Ph. They were updating some materials and discussing some ideas about re-structuring LearnOSM content [2]. They also discussed about the curriculum/ToT framework.
Photo session after document sprint.
On June 10th - 13th, the ToT workshop is held at Room 101 Benigno Mayo Hall/ISO Social Development Complex, Ateneo de Manila University, Phillipine. Based on the framework from the document sprinting, the workshop structure was like this:
Day 1: Understanding OpenStreetMap
- Introduction to OpenStreetMap
- Creating OpenStreetMap Account
- Introduction to JOSM
Day 2: Spatial Data Collection
- Global Positiong System (GPS)
- Field Papers
- Going out to the field survey
- Basic data input
Day 3: Data Processing in OpenStreetMap
- Tasking Manager
- Data Validation
- Getting OpenStreetMap Data
Day 4: Adult Learning
Day 1 until day 3 are more technical skills, but, on the last day, Maning got the contact of a facilitator that is experienced in teaching adult learning. The way the facilitator delivered the materials was mostly interactive, the purpose is to build a sense what makes adult is different than children based on what they are seeing, hearing, doing, and thinking. And of course, how to approach them with new things.
The workshop from day 1 until day 3 were more technical
Adult learning workshop was delivered interactively
Greetings from OSM Philippines!
The next step for OSM-Ph after ToT workshop is creating an OSM Trainer Database and publish it on the web, so if people or community around Phillipine need OSM workshop, they can start finding their names on the database. This is really just a start, we are really hope that OSM-Ph (or maybe other OSM community around the world) can replicate this kind of workshop to create more trainers across the country. All materials and tools that used for this ToT is available for everyone[3] (Thanks to Maning and his team for compiling all the stuff!).