HOT Tech Product Suite
We develop open-source products to address ecosystem gaps in the use of geospatial technology in development and humanitarian projects, aiming for a world where everyone has access to the right technology to use open map data for social change. Our guiding principles, informed by HOT’s values and aligned with the Principles for Digital Development, act as a compass for HOT’s technology work.
living HOT’s values through tech
Put people first
We prioritize understanding human problems deeply before devising solutions, working closely with local mapping communities to grasp their unique challenges and environmental factors, including technical, cultural, legal, and political aspects.
Collaborate for impact
HOT collaborates globally to advance open geospatial tech for social good, engaging contributors through open groups, mentorship, and documentation to improve existing technologies.
Work in the open
All of our products are publicly accessible open source. We share our work through open collaboration channels, webinars, conferences, and open training sessions.
Build for inclusivity
Our aim is to enable EVERYONE to interact with our technology. We aim to lower the technical barrier so that everyone can participate.
Product Suite
Tasking Manager
The HOT Tasking Manager is a mapping tool designed and built for the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team’s collaborative mapping process in OpenStreetMap. Contribute to OSM collaboratively with the global open mapping community using the Tasking Manager.
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fAIr is an open AI-assisted mapping service developed by the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) that aims to improve the efficiency and accuracy of mapping efforts for humanitarian purposes.
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HOT Export Tool
The HOT Export Tool is an open service that creates customized extracts of up-to-date OSM data in various file formats, such as ESRI shapefiles (.shapefile), google KML (.kml), GeoPackage (.gpkg) dan MBTiles (.mbtiles).
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Open Aerial Map (OAM)
OpenAerialMap is an open service to provide access to a commons of openly licensed imagery and map layer services. Download or contribute imagery to the growing commons of openly licensed imagery.
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Field Mapping Tasking Manager (FMTM)
The FMTM is a standalone mobile and web application that works using OpenDataKit (ODK), a powerful data collection platform that leverages commonly-available mobile Android devices to enable people to input information including geospatial data in the field.
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Drone Tasking Manager (DroneTM)
An open-source drone tasking platform to coordinate aerial survey activities for target project areas among multiple pilots, incorporating tools and processes to ensure coordinated flight plans for imagery acquisition, and a seamless pipeline for processing and dissemination.
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