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The Latin America and Caribbean Open Mapping Hub, supported by the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, is inviting proposals for the Emergency Resources Mapping Project.


The Emergency Resources Mapping project will be conducted in partnership with the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA). CDEMA is the coordination agency for disaster management in the Caribbean region and has a membership of 19 states. In 2023, HOT signed an MOU with CDEMA that promotes a mutually beneficial relationship between the two organizations.

As part of HOT’s effort to cement itself in the Caribbean, it has been recognized that regional and local partnerships that encourage education on HOT’s contribution to DRR/DRM are critical. This project aims to leverage the partnership of CDEMA and other organizations to train relevant stakeholders on DRR and the use of open data and open mapping for anticipatory action and emergency response. To this end, this project will first be piloted in Belize in conjunction with the National Emergency Management Organization (NEMO).

The primary outcome of this project is to develop a comprehensive map/database of the emergency resources in Belize’s two cities and two towns. This will be presented to the relevant stakeholders to increase their awareness of the resources available in-country while also highlighting gaps and needs.


  • To increase the country’s resilience against different types of hazards through open data and open mapping solutions.
  • To develop a comprehensive map/database of selected emergency resources within Belize.
  • To increase the availability of updated and accurate open-source data to Belize’s decision makers and public to facilitate informed decision-making in emergencies.
  • To increase the NEMO’s and other stakeholders capacity to use open source data in emergencies.
  • To increase the public awareness of available emergency resources.
  • To create/strengthen the open mapping and open data culture in Belize.
  • To build partnerships between HOT and humanitarian/emergency response actors in Belize.

The terms of reference are available here.


  1. Send your CV, technical proposal (max. 10 pages) and financial proposal (max. 2 pages) to:

  2. Technical proposal should be submitted in the following format:

    • Section A. Background: Briefly describe the background and organization of yourself/ firm/organization and any sub-consultants that your organization proposes to engage for this assignment.
    • Section B. Summary of Consultants’ Experience: The applicant should summarize any previous projects within the scope or implemented in a similar context. In particular, the applicant should demonstrate:
    • Experience working with municipal and state-level stakeholders and conducting a desk review of available datasets and an approach for shared datasets at the state and municipal levels.
    • Experience in working on open technology-related projects, or similar experience.
    • Experience in bringing together a team of experienced OSM mappers and validators, if any.
    • Section C. Comments or Modifications: Present or justify any modifications to the Terms of Reference that the applicant would like to propose, if any, to perform the assignment better and more effectively
    • Section D. Technical Approach: The applicant should articulate their approach to achieving the outcomes defined in this TOR. This section should also indicate how the applicant will achieve the objectives and deliverables. In particular, please describe the approach you will take to track the mapping team’s performance.
    • Annex 1: Staffing Plan and Key Personnel – The applicant must present an organizational and management structure that describes clearly the different positions and the roles and responsibilities of team members. The applicant should provide CVs/resumes for the project lead as Annexes to the technical proposal.
    • Annex 2: Proposed work schedule for the project - The applicant should also include the list of activities per deliverable.
    • Annex 3: Budget (should not exceed USD 15,000$).
    • The financial proposal should not exceed USD 15,000

Applications should be submitted by March 31st to the email address: