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Application Guidelines


The HOT Caribbean Mapping Community Micro-Grant program supports the growth of open mapping communities in the Caribbean by providing resources, funding, and mentorship to strengthen their community impact.

About HOT

HOT is a global community and US-based NGO using maps and open data for humanitarian response and sustainable development. HOT mobilizes a global network during major disasters to create essential maps and data for responders.

What is an OSM Community?

An OSM community advocates for using open mapping data to achieve social and environmental goals, such as resilience building, humanitarian response, and sustainable development.

Support for Grantees:

  • Technical Training

  • Capacity Building

  • Resources

  • Mentorship

The Caribbean Mapping Community Micro-Grant Program 2024 aims to create a nurturing environment for the emergence of robust open-mapping groups, ensuring their sustainable growth and increased impact on their communities.

Check the full RFP, and contact for technical difficulties before the submission deadline.