Participatory Mapping Toolkit
A Guide for Refugee Contexts
This toolkit serves as a practical how-to guide for participatory mapping in refugee contexts. It provides organizations with the necessary tools and processes for responding to refugee situations by leveraging open and free map data for humanitarian assistance.
Section One: The Power of Participatory Mapping
Section One introduces what participatory mapping is and why it is vital in refugee contexts. It gives important background information about the platform used to map and how to use the guide.
Download Section One (PDF 219KB)
Section Two: Refugee Contexts
Section Two identifies important contextual factors that affect how organizations respond. It has been written for refugee contexts, and gives users an idea of what to keep in mind before getting started.
Download Section Two (PDF 244KB)
Section Three: Tools and Processes
Section Three is the heart of the toolkit - a series of tools and processes that offer practical solutions for humanitarians.
Download Section Three (PDF 613KB)