Map Malawi: OSM Mapping for Refugees - A Case of Dzaleka Camp, Malawi

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Established by UNHCR in 1994, Dzaleka is the largest refugee camp in Malawi, hosting over 43,000 refugees and asylum seekers. The majority of them are from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), while others are from Burundi, Rwanda, Somalia, and Ethiopia. The growing camp population, which was meant to host 10,000 people, means that the camp’s resources barely cover the needs of the already vulnerable population.
The Malawi OpenStreetMap community, in collaboration with YouthMappers and the Africa Drone and Data Academy (ADDA), will create a detailed map of the camp that will serve as a source of information regarding the provision of basic services. They will map out amenities such as education centers, health care centers, buildings and shelters, and water sources. They also want to use the project to revive the OSM community in Malawi, as well as establish a new OSM community in Dzaleka refugee camp.
Recent news from Map Malawi: OSM Mapping for Refugees - A Case of Dzaleka Camp, Malawi (View all news)
MapMalawi’s Dzaleka Mapping Project- OSM Mapping for People Living in Protracted Crisis
MapMalawi is a newly established non-governmental organisation (NGO), founded in December 2020 by two Malawian girls, Ndapile Mkuwu and Zola Manyungwa.