4 County Digitization Liberia

To support local efforts to reduce poverty and food insecurity in Liberia, HOT is collaborating with iLab Liberia and OSM Liberia to digitize all buildings and roads in Bomi, Bong, Maryland, and Nimba counties.
To reduce poverty and food insecurity in Liberia, the Government of Liberia (supported by the World Bank and USAID) is working to build an effective social protection system through the Liberia Social Safety Nets Project (LSSN). This project will work to improve efficiency, effectiveness, and expand the coverage and scope of social protection interventions as well as supporting data integration and information management across programs to achieve the desired harmonization and coordination of the Social Protection System in Liberia. As part of this work, a household survey will be conducted across the country, starting with four counties.
In order to ensure that all households are reached during this project, HOT is collaborating with iLab Liberia and OSM Liberia to digitize all buildings and roads in Bomi, Bong, Maryland, and Nimba counties.