Tri Selasa Pagianti
Voting MemberAssociate Project Manager
Tri is an Associate Project Manager at HOT Indonesia. Her main role is to assist Project Manager in conducting and implementing program activities. She also supports the global team in hosting mapping events for HOT’s partners in Asia-Pacific timezone. Formerly a Mapping Supervisor and GIS Training Associate at HOT Indonesia, she was responsible for supervising the work of Spatial Data Entries for Malaria Elimination mapping project, performing OSM data validation, delivering GIS training and updating training materials. Tri received a B.S. in Geography from Universitas Indonesia. She currently lives in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Shifting to virtual: adapting HOT’s global work for COVID-19
Although COVID-19 brings a number of obvious challenges to daily life for people across the world, the crisis has demonstrated the widespread desire to help by mapping to support COVID-19 responders worldwide.