Nathalie Sidibe
Founder, OSM Mali
Former HOT Board Member
Member of the League of African Bloggers and Cyber-Activists for Democracy (Africtivistes )
Representative of the OpenData Community for French Speaking Countries (CAFDO) in Mali
For more transparency on the Development Aid in Mali, she created the SAIDMali web platform to keep track of the money allocated to development projects. She’s currently leading the OpenCities in Bamako on behalf of OSM Mali with HOT.
Natalie is an international consultant, and is a social activist and advocate for open data and open geospatial data. She has successfully organized and implemented open mapping trainings and activities throughout Mali and participated in work and conferences throughout Africa. She is a graduate in Land-Use and Planning and has a Master’s degree in Literature and Languages.
Why and How: Challenging Sexism and Misogyny in the Open Mapping Ecosystem
In honor of the 2021 International Women’s Day and Women History Month, the HOT Community Working Group (WG) organized two webinars: #ChooseToChallenge: Sexism and...
Data Collection Training in Bamako, Mali
Data collection training in Bamako, Mali
Bringing together West African OSM communities: OSM & GIS workshops in Lomé, Togo
OSM & GIS worshops in Togo in May 2018