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Mikel Maron

Voting Member


Mikel Maron initiated humanitarian mapping in OpenStreetMap in 2005 and co-founded the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team organization. He has served as President of the Board, and Chair of Voting Members. Mikel Maron currently leads the Community team at Mapbox, helping to grow the adoption of open geo data in humanitarian organizations, governments and education, and advancing work with OpenStreetMap. As Presidential Innovation Fellow at the US State Department Mikel drove OpenStreetMap adoption across federal agencies. He is co-founder of Map Kibera and GroundTruth Initiative and Board member of the OpenStreetMap Foundation. He holds a master’s degree in Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems from the University of Sussex, and bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from UC Santa Cruz.


HOTOSM recognized by the President of Mexico during Internet Day 2016

(Welcome and thank you Miriam Gonzalez for this guest post, sharing recognition by the President of Mexico of HOT during Hurricane Patricia! -Mikel) On "Internet Day",...

31 May, 2016

Peace Corps + OpenStreetMap

The Peace Corps and Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team have been collaborating for over a year. To me its a natural connection. Peace Corps Volunteers (known...

10 February, 2014

Comprehensive Report on Mali Activation

Early this year, HOT was activated in Mali. Pierre Beland took the lead on this activation, and produced for OCHA this excellent report. Recommended...

29 April, 2013

Hottie Humberto Yances presents the La Boquilla Project

Humberto Yances has written up his wonderful OSM community work in La Boquilla, and HOT wants to share great work by HOT members (note, this is not a formal HOT project). From an idea, to engagement, to mapping, to distribution, to use, La Boquilla clearly demonstrates what can happen with an open, networked, community based approach. [inline:equipo.jpg]From these evocative beginnings ...

24 April, 2013

Update from the Red Cross on Gulu and Lira

An update and thank you from Robert Banick at the American Red Cross on Gulu and Lira mapping

The first stage of the Red Cross's on-the-ground mapping exercises are wrapping up and I wanted to provide an update to all the incredible volunteers who got us this far.

[inline:2012-09-06 12.57.56 HDR.jpg]Your contributions to OSM were huge to us in Gulu, where we led a training on GIS basics for 12 Uganda Red Cross Society members. OSM in Gulu was used throughout to ground the course in real data: our GPS exercises were about collecting data for OSM and our mapping sessions made heavy use of the Gulu data. Uganda Red Cross staff were pretty delighted to see their contributions go right into the map. [inline:Gulu Fire Risk.png]

22 October, 2012

Wrapping up the Libyan Health Facility Activation

On January 14, we formally closed HOT's activation to help map health facilities in Libya.

This was definitely a new kind of activity for HOT. To start, we were directly by WHO to take part, and staff at the Tunis WMC office was incredibly active in the entire process.

31 January, 2012

Activation to Map Libyan Health Facilities

The World Health Organization (WHO) has asked HOT and the Stand By Task Force (SBTF) to activate to map health facilities in in Libya....

20 December, 2011

Activation in Somalia

HOT has activated to improve OSM, for the drought and famine crisis in East Africa. Read on for the background, the actions we're taking,...

19 August, 2011

Project Contributions

Not listed as coordinator on any projects. View all projects.