Leen D'hondt
StaffDirector of Tech & Data
Leen is the Director of Technology and Data at HOT.
She is passionate about maps and how maps are used to create a ‘better’ world.
Prior to joining HOT, Leen worked in the Geospatial Industry as Sr. Product Manager at TomTom and as Manager at Capgemini. She has co-led projects and programs in the humanitarian sector at the Belgian Technical Cooperation and as a consultant for World Food Program and the European Commission DG EuropeAid.
Leen has a MSc in Bio engineering and is specialised in GIS and remote sensing. Her expertise is in the field of program and product management. Growing up in Senegal, Niger and Belgium, she has lived and worked in Spain, Cuba, Tanzania, Thailand and Belgium.
Can low-cost drones contribute to mangrove monitoring and conservation? Testing Drone Tasking Manager in La Paz, Mexico
Drone Tasking Manager (DroneTM) is a digital public good that enables communities to generate high-quality, high resolution aerial imagery using low-cost drones. Discover its potential for community-driven mapping and its use in protecting mangroves in La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico.
¿Pueden los drones de bajo costo contribuir al monitoreo y conservación de manglares? Probando el Drone Tasking Manager en La Paz, México
Drone Tasking Manager (DroneTM) es un bien digital público que permite a las comunidades generar imágenes aéreas de alta calidad y resolución utilizando drones de bajo costo. Descubre su potencial para el mapeo comunitario y su aplicación en la protección de manglares en La Paz, Baja California Sur, México.
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) joins the Overture Maps Foundation
After careful consideration, we realized that joining the Overture Maps Foundation will enable us to fulfill our role as an organization dedicated to the creation and use of open map data for humanitarian action and community development.
Our End-to-End Mapping Solution: Training the Balinese Disaster Response Team in Karangasem
HOT envisions an ecosystem of open mapping technology that enables everyone, and in particular vulnerable communities, to make the right open map data available in order to use that to make a positive impact on people’s lives.
Working together for better OSM data quality
What we learned at State of the Map 2022
Data Principles
At HOT, open mapping communities and program teams face unique challenges in how we work with data: