Ivan Buendía Gayton
StaffProduct Innovation Manager and Humanitarian Advisor
Ivan Buendía Gayton works at the nexus of humanitarianism, technology, and human rights. Prior to joining HOT in 2017, he worked for fifteen years with Médecins Sans Frontières in various capacities including Head of Mission, field logistician, Humanitarian Affairs Officer, and GIS and Technological Innovation Advisor, and served on the board of directors of MSF-Canada. He co-founded the Missing Maps project, worked on medical records for Ebola, and created the MapSwipe mobile mapping application. He is an advocate of Free Software, and considers it critical to racial justice and equity, particularly in the aid sector, and believes that “local people, local devices, and open knowledge” are key to effective humanitarian tech and inclusion. He works on local manufacturing of drones in low-income settings, and low-cost, high-precision surveying for community and smallholder land rights.
Can low-cost drones contribute to mangrove monitoring and conservation? Testing Drone Tasking Manager in La Paz, Mexico
Drone Tasking Manager (DroneTM) is a digital public good that enables communities to generate high-quality, high resolution aerial imagery using low-cost drones. Discover its potential for community-driven mapping and its use in protecting mangroves in La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico.
¿Pueden los drones de bajo costo contribuir al monitoreo y conservación de manglares? Probando el Drone Tasking Manager en La Paz, México
Drone Tasking Manager (DroneTM) es un bien digital público que permite a las comunidades generar imágenes aéreas de alta calidad y resolución utilizando drones de bajo costo. Descubre su potencial para el mapeo comunitario y su aplicación en la protección de manglares en La Paz, Baja California Sur, México.
Together we map for good: building the Open Drone Aerial Tasking Manager
Leveraging drones and crowdsourcing, DroneTM equips local pilots and disaster-prone communities with tools to create high-resolution aerial maps, enhancing disaster response and community resilience.
Juntos mapeamos por el bien: construyendo el Gestor de Tareas Open Drone Aerial Tasking Manager
Aprovechando drones y crowdsourcing, DroneTM equipa a pilotos locales y comunidades propensas a desastres con herramientas para crear mapas aéreos de alta resolución, mejorando la respuesta a desastres y la resiliencia comunitaria.
Juntos mapeamos para o bem: construindo o Open Drone Aerial Tasking Manager
Aproveitando drones e crowdsourcing, a DroneTM equipa pilotos locais e comunidades propensas a desastres com ferramentas para criar mapas aéreos de alta resolução, melhorando a resposta a desastres e a resiliência comunitária.
Field Mapping Tasking Manager (FMTM)
Collaboration and communication among key players are critical to a successful field mapping campaign and data collection effort. Leveraging the right tools, such as the Field Mapping Tasking Manager (FMTM), can significantly enhance coordination and streamline communication among team members, improving field survey efforts and making them more efficient and accurate.
Launching HOT’s responsible and ethical data framework
At the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, we promote open and accessible data. What happens, though, when open data inadvertently brings attention to the location of something that could cause harm to the people in that area?
Lancement du programme de données responsables et éthiques de HOT
À Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, nous encourageons l’ouverture et l’accessibilité des données. Mais que se passe-t-il lorsque des données ouvertes attirent par inadvertance l’attention sur...
Field Mapping is the Future: A Tasking Manager Workflow Using ODK (available in English, Spanish, Portuguese & French)
Field mapping by local people is key to the future of open mapping. However, the tools available for field mapping—despite many being of high quality—do not form a coherent ecosystem to unleash the potential of community field mapping. Something is missing! Could it be a Tasking Manager for Field Mapping?
La cartographie en situation de conflit
Des événements et des expériences récentes, dont les événements survenus l'an dernier en Afghanistan et la guerre en Ukraine, ont incité HOT - et l'ensemble de la communauté de cartographie humanitaire - à réexaminer ce qui peut être fait dans le context de OpenStreetMap, sur le plan éthique et pratique, pour aider les populations touchées par des conflits.
Mapping in Conflict
Recent events and experiences, including last year’s developments in Afghanistan and the war in Ukraine, have prompted HOT—and the wider humanitarian mapping community—to revisit what can be ethically and practically done to help people caught in conflict within the context of OSM.