Immaculata Mwanja
Imma graduated from Ardhi University with a Bachelor’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning. She started as a student intern with HOT in 2015 which opened her eyes to the open mapping world. She remained engaged with mapping activities through mapathons hosted by the Tanzanian team over the years. When doing her final dissertation, Imma joined the OpenMap Development Tanzania (OMDTZ) team as a GIS analyst and data cleaner volunteer. Before joining HOT, she was the Operations Manager at OMDTZ where she was also involved in most the programmatic area of the organization.
Imma joined HOT due to its humanitarian uniqueness of providing data needs to fast first responders and as she saw the potential to keep thriving in this field, working with different country teams while supporting them to achieve their sustainability goal. Imma believes that her involvement with HOT back in 2015 unlocked a humanitarian side of her that she was not sure it existed.
Colonialism in Open Data and Mapping
The Humanitarian Mapping Community Working Group organized the webinar “Colonialism in Open Data and Mapping” to examine the influence of colonialism on how the...