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Fabrizio Scrollini

StaffRegional Director - Latin America and Caribbean Hub


Fabrizio joins HOT as the inaugural Regional Director for the Open Mapping Hub –Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region In this role, he will lead our team in LAC to help nurture, support, and amplify open source communities in about 33 countries in the region. He brings a unique blend of experience from working with topics such as open data and AI, digital rights, and policy with governments, civil society organizations, international organizations, and researchers in the region. With his extensive experience and knowledge in several multi-stakeholder initiatives in the region, he aims to advance the setup and evolution of the LAC Hub.

Prior to joining HOT Fabrizio was the co-founder and first Executive Director of ILDA- The Latin American Open Data Initiative. He set up ILDA as a research project and led the evolution of ILDA towards an organization. In this role, he led teams advancing action research policy and implementation projects, supporting the use of open data and machine learning for development outcomes in the region. Fabrizio co-founded the regional forum Abrelatam-Condatos, which was catalytic to establishing the open data community in Latin America.

Fabrizio serves as the Chairman of ILDA, as well as a board member of the International Open Data Charter and the Data for Development Network. He holds a Ph.D. in government from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and a Master of Public Policy from the Victoria University of Wellington (VIC). He has authored and published several reports and peer-reviewed publications in his field of expertise. Fabrizio is based in Montevideo, Uruguay.


Together we map for good: building the Open Drone Aerial Tasking Manager

Leveraging drones and crowdsourcing, DroneTM equips local pilots and disaster-prone communities with tools to create high-resolution aerial maps, enhancing disaster response and community resilience.

11 June, 2024

Juntos mapeamos por el bien: construyendo el Gestor de Tareas Open Drone Aerial Tasking Manager

Aprovechando drones y crowdsourcing, DroneTM equipa a pilotos locales y comunidades propensas a desastres con herramientas para crear mapas aéreos de alta resolución, mejorando la respuesta a desastres y la resiliencia comunitaria.

11 June, 2024

Juntos mapeamos para o bem: construindo o Open Drone Aerial Tasking Manager

Aproveitando drones e crowdsourcing, a DroneTM equipa pilotos locais e comunidades propensas a desastres com ferramentas para criar mapas aéreos de alta resolução, melhorando a resposta a desastres e a resiliência comunitária.

11 June, 2024

Notes from the field: The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

Fabrizio Scrollini, the new Director of the Open Mapping Hub for Latin America and the Caribbean, shares his impressions of the first days of work with the Hub team, what has been done and what is to come.

28 April, 2023

Notas de campo: Equipe Humanitária do OpenStreetMap

Fabrizio Scrollini, novo diretor do Hub de Mapeamento Aberto para a América Latina e o Caribe, compartilha suas impressões sobre os primeiros dias de trabalho com a equipe do Hub, o que foi feito e o que está por vir.

28 April, 2023

Notes de terrain : L'équipe Humanitaire d'OpenStreetMap

Fabrizio Scrollini, le nouveau directeur de l'Open Mapping Hub pour l'Amérique latine et les Caraïbes, partage ses impressions des premiers jours de travail avec l'équipe du Hub, ce qui a été fait et ce qui est à venir.

28 April, 2023

Notas desde el terreno: el Equipo Humanitario de OpenStreetMap

Fabrizio Scrollini, el nuevo Director del Hub de Mapeo Abierto para América Latina y el Caribe comparte sus impresiones de los primeros días de trabajo con el equipo del Hub, lo realizado y lo que está por venir.

27 April, 2023

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