Cristiano Giovando
StaffVoting MemberSenior Technical Product Owner (Imagery Services)
Technical project manager leading the development of Open Aerial Map (OAM), an open source repository of aerial and satellite imagery.
HOT Research Partnership on Crowdsourced Damage Assessment
HOT is partnering with the Stanford Urban Resilience Initiative (SURI), the World Bank’s Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR), Heidelberg University, and...
Improving Resilience with Aerial Imagery
Earlier this month Nate and I went to Suva to lead the kickoff meeting of the Pacific Drone Imagery Dashboard (PacDID) project funded by...
200 Kids Map Swaziland for Malaria Elimination
On Thursday, March 3rd 2016, a world-record humanitarian mapathon took place at Politecnico di Milano in northern Italy. Two-hundred and twelve 10-year old children from...