Courtney Clark
Courtney Clark directs the Everywhere She Maps program for YouthMappers, a global network of students, researchers, educators and scholars that use public geospatial technologies to highlight and directly address development challenges worldwide. Through her role, she leads efforts to increase inclusiveness in the geospatial and OSM communities by empowering women student geographers to build their technical capacity, gain leadership experience, and direct mapping projects that use innovative open data methods to address gender inequality. She is also a Manager of Sponsored Projects for the American Geographical Society, where she leads the society’s Geography Educator Initiative.
Courtney has been involved with OpenStreetMap and HOT as a mapper, volunteer, mapathon organizer, and advocate since 2014. She founded and led the U.S. Peace Corps’ open mapping program and has attended and hosted many mapathons and OSM-related events. Most notably, she led planning and execution for the 2016 White House Mapathon. Through these events and in her capacity as a volunteer and professional, she has had the incredible opportunity to collaborate and build relationships with many members of various OSM and humanitarian mapping communities. As a member of HOT’s Board and the Community Working Group, she is dedicated to actively listening to & collaborating with her fellow humanitarian mappers.
Why and How: Challenging Sexism and Misogyny in the Open Mapping Ecosystem
In honor of the 2021 International Women’s Day and Women History Month, the HOT Community Working Group (WG) organized two webinars: #ChooseToChallenge: Sexism and...