Steps for writing blog posts
Review these steps before you draft a blog post. You can create blog posts via our Siteleaf interface or directly on Github.
Review the images you plan to include in your post.
Follow the image guidelines to resize your images and then compress. Any image you upload should be compressed below 500kb.
Create a new post. Add your title and initial text.
Upload the images to include in your post. You can include images directly into the content of the post, as well as, specify a feature image. The feature image will show up at the top of the blog post as well as be used as the image on the front page or blog index page.
Save as a Draft.
After saving as a draft, click Generate Item Preview to see how your post will look. You may need to click the Regenerate Preview (or click Refresh Page) at the top of the page.
Once you’ve edited and saved your blog post as a draft, contact the Communications Working Group or alert someone in the #communications channel on Slack that the post should be reviewed and published.
Note on Siteleaf roles
Writers have access to only create and edit content in Draft mode. Writers can upload images but cannot edit existing images. When editing existing content, content will be placed in Draft mode until it is re-published.