Disaster Services — 29 August, 2021
Tropical Cyclone IDA Size-up

Disaster Services is monitoring TC IDA as it is a GDACs Red alert but an activation is unlikely.
“Tropical Cyclone IDA-21 can have a high humanitarian impact based on the maximum sustained wind speed, exposed population, and vulnerability.”
Source: GDACS
Size-up Details
Event Name: Tropical Cyclone IDA
Type ofEvent: Sudden Onset
Location: Cuba and Gulf Coast United States
Geographic Scope: Region
Estimated Humanitarian Impact: 2.7 Million in Category 1 or Higher
Estimated Duration: Week to Week(s)
Event Scope: Moderate
Local Contacts:There are no local point(s) of contact identified as of yet
Request(s): There are no requests from partners currently
Need for Activation: Unikely