Disaster Services — 02 July, 2021
Tropical Cyclone Elsa Response

TC Elsa has started to impact the Caribbean. Currently it is difficult to know where it might have a significant impact that we may need to respond for.
TC Elsa has started to impact the Caribbean. Currently it is difficult to know where it might have a significant impact that we may need to respond for. I am thinking the biggest need (i.e. area not well mapped on OSM that is in direct path) is Cuba but you never know if these storms might make a big turn; it is about 3 days away from Cuba still. It is also likely to at least clip Haiti around July 4th and potentially Dominican Republic which is rather sparsely mapped compared to its neighbor. Therefore, I don’t think we are ready to launch any response yet. It is also the weekend (and a holiday in the US) so I will likely be delayed in my ability to support, but I’m sure you all will be able to respond if things get bad.
Size-up details
Event Name: Hurricane Elsa
Type of Event: Sudden Onset (some lead time)
Location: Caribbean
Geographic Scope: Multiple landfalls across ~4 countries
Estimated Humanitarian Impact: 880,000 in category 1 or higher
Estimated Duration: Days to Week(s)
Event Scope: Minor-Moderate
Local Leads: Phil H. (St. Lucia)
Anticipated Needs: Cuba is in direct path and is sparsely mapped in OSM, also Haiti and Dominican Republic could be impacted and need basemap/FOD
Request(s): None Yet
HOT Current Capacity: Good
Need for Activation: Likelihood of an Activation is directly tied to where Elsa makes landfall and/or impacts area(s) lacking OSM data