Disaster Services — 23 August, 2021
Tropical Cyclone GRACE-21 Size-up

Monitoring the Tropical Cyclone as it crosses Mexico. Waiting for requests or needs from OSM-Mexico.
“Tropical Cyclone GRACE-21 can have a medium humanitarian impact based on the maximum sustained wind speed, exposed population and vulnerability.” Source: GDACS
HOT is currently monitoring this event, we are waiting to see how it develops before doing a Size-up that will most likely focus on Mexico.
Size-up Details
Event Name: Tropical Cyclone GRACE-21
Type ofEvent: Sudden Onset
Location: Gulf of Mexico
Geographic Scope: Several Countries
Estimated Humanitarian Impact: 7.7 million in category 1 or greater
Estimated Duration: Weeks to Month(s)
Event Scope: Minor
Local Contacts: OSM - Mexico
Anticipated Needs: Unknown
Request(s): There are no requests from partners currently
Current capacity to support YELLOW - Capacity may not be sufficient to manage response fully
Need for Activation: Unlikely
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