Disaster Services — 01 March, 2019
Venezuela Crisis 2019 Response

Venezuela Crisis [2019] Activation Stats:
Community Mappersⓘ Total number of Mappers from Missing Maps
Total Map Editsⓘ Total number of edits from Missing Maps
Buildings Mappedⓘ Total number of buildings mapped from Missing Maps
Roads Mapped (KM)ⓘ Total length of roads mapped from Missing Maps
Ayuda Venezuela is an Activation of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) to improve the basemap in areas already seeing an influx of refugees from the political turmoil in Venezuela.
“Millions of people are currently moving across Venezuela and several other countries in the Americas, and the humanitarian needs are growing. National Red Cross Societies in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Guyana, Panama, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, and Uruguay are being supported by IFRC to deliver much-needed assistance. Recently, in response to a sustained increase in the number of migrants in the Americas region, the Movement has been establishing humanitarian operations in all the countries receiving migrants and ensuring strong connection with existing long-term regional plans for continuity of humanitarian services as well as social protection and communication initiatives.”
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Size-up Details
Event Name: Venezuela Crisis [2019]
Type ofEvent: Protracted Crisis - Political Unrest/Refugee Migration
Location: Venezuela and neighboring countries
Geographic Scope: Region
Estimated Humanitarian Impact: Millions potentially fleeing Venezuela
Estimated Duration: Unknown, initial request should take only week(s) to a month, though the crisis could continue for a very long time
Local Contacts: OSM Colombia & Fundacion OSM Colombia (for initial focus area)
Anticipated Needs: Buildings, fixing up some poorly executed prior projects, place_name location adjustments
Request(s): Request by NGO wishing to remain anonymous
Current capacity to support No other pressing response at the moment
The following areas were mapped:
57921, Barranquilla, Colombia (Buildings)