Disaster Services — 19 October, 2022
Nigeria Floods 2022 Response

Nigeria Floods 2022 (October) Activation Stats:
Community Mappersⓘ Total number of Mappers from Missing Maps
Total Map Editsⓘ Total number of edits from Missing Maps
Buildings Mappedⓘ Total number of buildings mapped from Missing Maps
Roads Mapped (KM)ⓘ Total length of roads mapped from Missing Maps
This is in activation by Unique Mappers Network in response to the floodings in Nigeria.
Alert Details
“Media report (quoting national authorities), as of 18 October, 603 fatalities, over 2,400 injured, nearly 1,303,000 displaced people and a total of more than 2,504,000 affected people across the Country. In particular, the Bayelsa State is the worst affected, with around 700,000 either displaced or affected people. In addition, same sources also report around 203,400 damaged houses, of which over 82,000 fully damaged or destroyed.”
Context:Media report (quoting national authorities), as of 18 October, 603 fatalities, over 2,400 injured, nearly 1,303,000 displaced people and a total of more than 2,504,000 affected people across the Country. In particular, the Bayelsa State is the worst affected, with around 700,000 either displaced or affected people. In addition, same sources also report around 203,400 damaged houses, of which over 82,000 fully damaged or destroyed.
GDACS / Copernicus GloFAS
Size-up Details
Event Name:Nigeria Floods 2022
GDACS Alert Lvl:2.5 (Red)
Location:Lokoja and Koji State, Nigeria
Geographic Scope: Region
Estimated Humanitarian Impact: 1,303,000 displaced
Estimated Duration:Weeks to months
Event Scope: Major
Local Contacts:Unique Mappers
Anticipated Needs: Basemap Improvement
Request(s):There are no requests from partners currently
Need for Activation: Likely
Active Orgs: HOT and Unique Mappers Network
Lead Orgs: Unique Mappers Network Nigeria
Response Details
Context:Nigeria is suffering its worst flooding in a decade, forcing 1.4 million people from their homes . Lokoja the confluence town of the country is a major hit of this flood . Critical geospatial data is required by the government and humanitarian agencies to provide rapid response to flood victims in the area. Unique Mappers Network-The OpenStreetMap community NGO in Nigeria in Collaboration with the Nigerian Cartographic Association at its 43rd International Conference calls for volunteers to join us respond to flood in Lokoja,Nigeria.
Here is the list of projects to map the affected area: