Disaster Services — 09 July, 2022
East Timor Flood 2022 Response

East Timor Flood 2022 Activation Stats:
Community Mappersⓘ Total number of Mappers from Missing Maps
Total Map Editsⓘ Total number of edits from Missing Maps
Buildings Mappedⓘ Total number of buildings mapped from Missing Maps
Roads Mapped (KM)ⓘ Total length of roads mapped from Missing Maps
This is in activation by Open Mapping Hub and POI to support World Vision in its response to the Floodings in the country.
Alert Context
“So far, more than 170 households have been registered as flood victims, following the storm and heavy rain from 29 to 30 June.
In Covalima municipality, 118 prisoners were evacuated to Kay Xanana Gusmão’s airport after the Covalima State Prison was flooded.” July 2, 2022
TATOLI, I.P—Agência de Noticiosa de Timor-Leste
Size-up Context
Context:Over 800 households have been affected by floods in East Timor. 247 households in Covalima; 416 households in Viqueque; 206 in Manufahi.
Source: World Vision Timor Leste
Size-up Details
Event Name:East Timor Flood 2022
GDACS Alert Lvl:NA
Location:Covalima, Viqueque and Manufahi District, East Timor
Geographic Scope: City
Estimated Humanitarian Impact: 1.Covalima : 247 households affected (=547 people) 2.Viqueque: 416 HHs (=1004 people) 3.Manufahi: 206 HHs (=1014 people)
Estimated Duration: Days
Event Scope: Minor
Local Contacts: World Vision Timor Leste
Anticipated Needs: Basemap Improvement
Request(s): Support to map the area
Need for Activation: Likely
Active Orgs: World Vision Timor Leste, Open Mapping Hub and POI
Lead Orgs: Open Mapping Hub and POI
Response Details
Context: The eastern part of Timor Leste was hit by a flood recently, and at the moment the data shows that the hardest-hit municipalities are:
Covalima: 247 households affected (=547 people)
Viqueque: 416 HHs (=1004 people)
Manufahi: 206 HHs (=1014 people)
Other areas are also affected with minimum impacts: Ainaro (3HHs), Baucau ( 11 HHs), and Bobonaro (1HH). Please bear in mind that these data are not yet verified and will potentially increase but it will give you an idea of the scale of the impact. In Covalima, the water has decreased and some people have returned to their homes, but in the other two areas (Viqueque and Manufahi) most people are still evacuating.
The media also broadcasted the news:
Here is the list of projects to map the affected area: