Disaster Services — 24 March, 2020
COVID-19 Epidemic Response

COVID-19 Epidemic Activation Stats:
Community Mappersⓘ Total number of Mappers from Missing Maps
Total Map Editsⓘ Total number of edits from Missing Maps
Buildings Mappedⓘ Total number of buildings mapped from Missing Maps
Roads Mapped (KM)ⓘ Total length of roads mapped from Missing Maps
After careful consideration and deliberation, we have now decided that it is time todo our part. Please take a moment to review this COVID‐19 size‐up.
The new strain of coronavirus (COVID-19), has originated in Wuhan, China. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses with some causing less-severe diseases, such as the common cold, and others more severe diseases such as MERS and SARS.
Size up Details
To the amazing HOT staff(including key volunteers ‐ you know who you are) and lurkers in the Activation Working Group, What a strange time it is, but if you look back to the last major pandemic that struck the human population in 1918. What an amazing thing it is to be able to quickly identify thedisease and take incredible, and difficult, measures to reduce the impact in basically every corner of the planet.
After careful consideration and deliberation, we have now decided that it is time todo our part. Please take a moment to review this COVID‐19 size‐up (note: it may be a bit of a ‘living document’ for a short while as things are still rapidly evolving): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Dphv7‐h‐NSBdJO2TskwoN1PXES2Q9PBUE5ii3Gz3CA/edit?usp=sharing
Then, stay tuned as weidentify what needs we have internally; but for those in the Activation Working Group who would like to be part of the coordination team; a) make sure you have completed the course work for the role(s) you are interested in performing and b) let me know directly that you are interested, and what your general availability looks like for 1 month, 3 months, and ‘beyond 3months’. We won’t necessarily need to build a team for longer thana month or so, but we just aren’t sure. I will be putting together an availability chart/roster for AWG volunteers.